DSM-I和DSM-II都大量地受到了心理动力学的影响,在这两版中所谓正常与非正常之间并没有一个准确的区别,且没有诊断准则(Criteria)而是选择使用描述性语句。这两版DSM对精神病与精神官能症作了一个区分。 精神官能症最初指相对较为普通的心理问题,个体没有脑异常的迹象,没有表现出广泛的非理性思维,没有违反基本的...
自从出版以来,DSM历经五次改版(II、III、III-R、IV、IV-TR)。 喜欢读"DSM-IV 精神疾病诊断准则手册"的人也喜欢 ··· 精神障碍诊断与统计手册(案头参考... 9.0 DSM-IV-TR 8.4 精神病学 8.9 镜与灯 8.8 尼伯龙根的指环 8.8 Y先生的结局 7.7 阿赞德人的巫术、神谕和魔法 8.4 神经科学 ...
( 2012 ). Considering DSM-5: The personal experience of schizophrenia in relation to the DSM-IV-TR criteria. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes , 75(4), 375–386.Flanagan, E. H., Solomon, L. A., Johnson, A., Ridgway, P., Strauss, J. S., & Davidson, L. (2012)....
Internal reliability (Kappa) was 0.80 and test 鈥搑etest reliability was r=0.74(p<0.01).Conclusion: Results suggest that diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV-TR are valid and reliable for internet addiction diagnosis and with this clinical interview. We have a more effective way to diagnose internet ...
诊断特点:智力障碍的基本特征是全面心智能力的缺陷(诊断标准A),及于个体在年龄、性别、社会文化相匹配的对照的日常适应功能的障碍(诊断标准B),起病与发育时期(诊断标准C),诊断应该基于临床评估及标准化的智力和适应功能评测的结合。DSM 涉及到的调整:1、 适应功能结构的调整:DSM 5将DSM IV TR中,适应功能涵盖包括...
DSM 涉及到的调整:1、适应功能结构的调整: DSM 5 将 DSM IV TR 中,适应功能涵盖包括沟通交际、自 我照顾、居家生活、社会人际技能、社会资源运用、自我指示、功能性学科技 能、工作、休闲娱乐、健康和安全等 10 个方面,在其中至少两个方面存在缺陷即可 认为适应功能存在缺陷,调整为概念、社交和实用三个领域,并...
How to Master the DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria With the new vignette format, candidates are exposed to four vignette cases, thus increasing the breadth ofdiagnosticknowledge that can be assessed. To be blunt, candidates need to review diagnostic criteria more thoroughly. ...
There has been some speculation that the addition of sensory sensitivities to the diagnostic criteria for ASD will increase the number of children diagnosed with ASD who would otherwise not have met criteria under DSM-IV-TR. However, further research will be needed over the course of the next ...
There are different subtypes of schizophrenia, defined by different DSM-IV criteria, but each case is identified with some kind of fundamental disturbance in thought processes, emotion, or behavior" (Nairne, 2003, p.509). The subtypes of schizophrenia are indifferentiated, catatonic, paranoid, ...