(Spring/Summer 1995) Should DSM be the basis for teaching social work practice in mental health? Yes! Journal of Social Work Education, 31 (2), 148-158.Williams, J.B.W. and Spitzer, R.L. (1995). Should DSM be the basis for teaching Social Work Practice in mental health? Yes!
What is DSM in psychology? The DSM, by the American Psychiatric Association, is a guide for diagnosing mental disorders, changing with mental health.
DSM-IV personality disorders in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Little is known about the cross-national population prevalence or correlates of personality disorders. To estimate prevalence and correlates of DSM-IV pers... Y Huang,R Kotov,GD Girolamo,... - 《British Journal of Psychiatry ...
Mental health problems during puberty: Tanner stage-related differences in specific symptoms. The TRAILS study The aim of this study was to investigate associations between specific mental health problems and pubertal stage in (pre)adolescents participating in the D... Albertine,J.,Oldehinkel,... ...
DR.MICHAELFIRST,ColumbiaUniversity:Well,thereasonit'ssoimportantis,theDSMistheguidebookthatisusedbyallmentalhealthprofessionals.It'scrucialtotheirabilitytopractice. Itdefinesallofthepsychiatricdiagnoses.Andthepsychiatricdiagnosis,arrivingatacorrectpsychiatricdiagnosisisthefirststepintryingtopickthebesttreatmentforpatien...
Over the decades, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) [1] has made very important contributions to the mental health field in the classification of mental illness. However, as the manual is updated, some membe... HA Heit,DL Gourlay - 《Pain Medicine the Official...
Personality disorders were diagnosed significantly more frequently in the CS. Despite the more severe psychopathology in subjects with mental disorders from the CS compared to the RS, no differences were found for recent mental health service utilisation. Because the sample of unemployed youths referred...
Tripartite conflicts of interest and high stakes patent extensions in the DSM-5. Psychother Psychosom. 2014;83(2):106–13.33. Cosgrove L, Karter JM. The poison in the cure: neoliberalism and contemporary movements in mental health. Theory Psychol. 2018;28(5):669–83.34. Cosgrove L, ...
What the DSM does is to provide a shared language so that mental health professionals and patients and insurance companies know they're talking about the same thing. And I think that is all well and good, as long as we don't assume that every semicolon in the document is somehow rigidly...
Examines the implications of the 'Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)' for Hispanic children and adolescents in the United States. Validity and reliability as a diagnostic classification system for mental health disorders; Culture, mental health and diagnosis; Overview of DSM...