Schizoaffective DisorderCharacterization of patients with both psychotic and mood symptoms, either concurrently or at different points during their illness, has always posed a nosological challenge and this is reflected in the poor reliability, low diagnostic stability, and questionable validity of DSM...
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder破坏性情绪失调障碍 Major Depressive Disorder, Single and Recurrent Episodes 重度抑郁障碍,单次和反复发作 Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) 持久性抑郁障碍(心境) Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder 经前苦恼障碍 Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder 物质/药物引起...
EXPERT ANALYSIS FROM THE ECNP CONGRESS BERLIN -- The redefinition of schizoaffective...Jancin, BruceMalaspina D, Owen MJ, Heckers S, et al. Schizoaffective disorder in the DSM-5. Schizophr Res 2013;150:21-5.Malaspina D, Owen MJ, Heckers S, et al. Schizoaffective Disorder in the ...
Schizophreniform Disorder 精神分裂样障碍Schizophrenia 精神分裂症Schizoaffective Disorder 分裂性情感障碍Substance/Medication-Induced Psychotic Disorder 物质/药物所致的精神病性障碍Psychotic Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition 由于其他躯体疾病所致的精神障碍Catatonia 紧张症Catatonia Associated With Another Mental...
精神分裂症样障碍 (F20.81) Schizophreniform Disorder (F20.81) 1<x<6 months 精神分裂症 (F20.9) Schizophrenia (F20.9) >6 months 分裂情感性障碍 Schizoaffective Disorder >6 months 物质/药物所致的精神病性障碍 Substance/Medication-Induced Psychotic Disorder ...
be assessed for OCD as well. For example, in individuals with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, the prevalence of OCD is approximately 12%. Rates of OCD are also elevated in bipolar disorder; eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa; and Tourette's disorder....
SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER: symptom criteria for Schizophrenia are met for at least 2 weeks, during which time significant mood symptoms are absent manic or major depressive episode for at least two weeks, during which time psychotic symptoms may be present or absent if a depressive episode occurs,...
CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of the validators examined, DSM-III-R criteria for schizoaffective disorder define a syndrome that differs meaningfully from both schizophrenia and affective illness. The division of schizoaffective disorder into bipolar and depressive subtypes was, however, not validated. ...
Schizophreniform Disorder 96 精神分裂样障碍 Schizophrenia 99 精神分裂症 Schizoaffective Disorder 105 分裂情感性障碍 Substance/Medication-Induced Psychotic Disorder 110 物质/药物诱发的精神病性障碍 Psychotic Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition 115 其它躯体情况所致精神病性障碍 Catatonia Associated With ...
Tourette’sDisorder81 Tourette障碍 Persistent(Chronic)MotororVocalTicDisorder81 持久性(慢性)运动或发声抽动障碍 ProvisionalTicDisorder81 暂时性抽动障碍 OtherSpecifiedTicDisorder85 其它特定性抽动障碍 UnspecifiedTicDisorder85 未特定的抽动障碍 OtherNeurodevelopmentalDisorders86 ...