PSYCHOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF THE DSM SCALE FOR DEPRESSION (DSD) WITH KOREAN-AMERICAN YOUTHSdoi: a first step in developing a reliable and culturally sensitive instrument to assess depression in Korean-American youths, this community-based methodological study ...
Svanborg, P., Ekselius, L., 2003. Self-assessment of DSM-IV criteria for major depression in psychiatric out-and inpatients*. Nord. J. Psychiatry 57 (4):291-296. 10.1080/08039480307281.Svanborg P, Ekselius L. Self-assessment of DSM-IV criteria for major depression ...
The Depression Self-Rating Scale (DSRS) is a self-report inventory based on the DSM-IV criteria for major depression. This study aimed to investigate diagnostic concordance of a major depressive disorder (MDD) using the DSRS and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, axis I disorders ...
The DSM-III-R criteria for major depression (MD) are examined to determine the degree to which latent trait item response models can extract additional useful information. The dimensionality and measurement properties of the 9 DSM-III-R criteria plus duration are evaluated using dichotomous factor ...
Proposed changes for DSM-5 include the creation...doi: C WakefieldTaylor & FrancisCurrent Medical Research and OpinionWakefield JC (2012). DSM-5 : proposed changes to depressive disorders. Current Medical Research and Opinion 28, 335-343....
Depression & AnxietyZimmerman M, Chelminski I, Young D, et al. A clinically useful self-report measure of the DSM-5 anxious distress specifier for major depressive disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 2014;75:601-607.Zimmerman M,Chelminski I,Young D,Dalrymple K,Walsh E,Rosenstein L.A clinically ...
GSDA的在线版本于2015年结束,并存档在。 结构化能力和概念化能力鉴于这些辩论,更多的注意力被放在有助于精神卫生专业人员理解DSM-5所需的培训上,精神卫生专业人员以负责任,深思熟虑和道德的方式进行更宽泛的精神障碍诊断。要求精神医学结构化能力的新培训模式提出了创建目标和标准的尝试。结构化能力涉及...
Taylor & Francis 万方医学 NCBI Europe PMC 查看更多 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献To Go or Not to Go? Differential Activation during Response Inhibition in Major Depressive Disorder Depression, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Inhibitory Control, Response Inhibition L Gabriel 被引量: 0发表:...
To compare the prevalence rates of major depression based on the DSM-IV criteria with data from a multiethnic sample of adolescents drawn from the same U.S.–Japan study and to investigate the relation of adolescent major depression to ethnicity. Adolescents aged 12–15 years ( N = 2,046; ...
response would be to try to reduce the stresses experienced by patients or to increase the support they receive. As for all chronic diseases, treatment for anxiety or depression may be helpful in some cases. This is already possible under the DSM. The SSD category adds no new services for ...