DS920+ DSM 7.2-64570 Update 3 - driver 2.17.1-1 does not work#336 Description Fjellvanderer jvivona commentedon Sep 8, 2023 jvivona i can concur - we were running update 1 and everything was working. moved to update 3 and the network interface is gone. have tried reinstalling & reboo...
[DS220+ running DSM 7.2-64570 Update 1] did docker icon change to [Container Manager]? mushu Jul 29, 2023 DS920+ DSM 7.2-64570 SSH starts to timeout until sshd restarted Kirill Nov 16, 2023 Mostly liked in NAS & SAN Please allow BackBlaze B2 in Hyper Backup Jamey Oct 02, 2018...
DS1821+ update to DSM 7.2-64570 many problems.Just did this update and ran into all sorts of problems.- First and worst, Several (3) of my web services disapered from web station. Just gone. so those sites are no longer hosted. -New validation in edit/create web portal/web service ...