Controversies in the DSM-5 criteria for anxiety disorders are lowering the diagnostic thresholds of anxiety disorders and limiting the dichotomous view of anxiety and depression when defining generalized anxiety disorder. Further studies of alternative approaches to the restrictions of the DSM-5 criteria ...
Section II: Diagnostic Criteria and Codes 第二节:基本要素:诊断标准和代码 Neurodevelopmental Disorders神经发育障碍 Intellectual Disabilities智力发展障碍 Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental 智力残疾(智力发育障碍) Disorder) Global Developmental Delay 整体发展迟缓 Unspecified Intellectual Disability (Intel...
ordinarily would be readily remembered (Criteria A)." Because there is no neurobiological damage or toxicity, and the difficulties are in retrieving a memory which was successfully stored, the amnesia is always "potentially reversible". [3]:298-299, [7] Neurocognitive disorders involving memory los...
or currently meet, criteria for other anxiety and unipolar depressive disorders. The neuroticism or emotional liability that underpins this pattern of comorbidity is associated with temperamental antecedents and genetic and environmental risk factors shared between these disorders, although independent...
Section II: Diagnostic Criteria and Codes 第二部分:诊断标准和编码 Neurodevelopmental Disorders 神经发育障碍Intellectual Disabilities 智力障碍 Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder) 智力障碍(智力发育障碍) Global Developmental Delay 全面发展迟缓Unspecified Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Devel...
A large reliability study of DSM-III-R anxiety disorders is reported in which outpatients (n = 267) received two independent structured interviews (Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule-Revised). It is the only reliability study to date in which the final DSM-III-R criteria are used throughout ...
© 2016 American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Background and Objectives: Since significant differences have been reported, we estimated agreement between DSM-5 and DSM-IV criteria for alcohol use disorder (AUD). Methods: We assessed 327 outpatients (mean age: 45.2 ± 13.4) with depressive or...
【Keywords】ICD-11;DSM-5;Anxiety disorders;Diagnostic criteria 焦虑障碍是全球常见的精神疾病,其表现包括过度的焦虑和恐惧,常伴随有紊乱的行为[1-2]。2013年全球流行病学调查荟萃分析结果显示,焦虑障碍终生患病率为9.0%,而12个月的患病率全球的数据不等,为0.4%~3.6%;焦虑障碍患病的年龄跨度大,起...
神经认知障碍: Neurocognitive Disorders: 神经认知领域:Neurocognitive Domains 复杂的注意 执行功能 学习和记忆 语言 知觉运动 社交认知 1.谵妄 Delirium: (波动注意,意识不稳,认知障碍) 2.其他特定的谵妄 (R41.0) Other Specified Delirium 3.未特定的谵妄(R41.0) Unspecified Delirium ...
DSM-IVCriteriaforPTSDA.StressorCriterion Thepersonhasbeenexposedtoatraumaticeventinwhichbothofthefollowinghavebeenpresent:•Thepersonhasexperienced,witnessed,orbeenconfrontedwithaneventoreventsthatinvolveactualorthreateneddeathorseriousinjury,orathreattothephysicalintegrityofselforothers •Theperson’sresponseinvolved...