Personality Disorders 人格障碍 By Cristina Crego and Thomas Widiger University of Kentucky 本模块旨在定义人格障碍的含义,确定一般人格的五个维度(即神经质、外向性、开放性、宜人性和尽责性),识别《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》(DSM - 5)中提议保留的六种人格障碍(即边缘型、反社会型、分裂型、回避型、强迫...
The DSM-5 organizes personality disorders into three groups, or clusters, based on shared key features. Cluster A These personality disorders are characterized by odd or eccentric behavior. People with cluster A personality disorders tend to experience major disruptions in relationships because their beh...
摘录DSM-5对人格障碍的论述: The personality disorders are grouped into three clusters based on descriptive similarities. Cluster A includes paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders.…
Personality Disorders 人格障碍 By Cristina Crego and Thomas Widiger University of Kentucky 本模块旨在定义人格障碍的含义,确定一般人格的五个维度(即神经质、外向性、开放性、宜人性和尽责性),识别《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》(DSM - 5)中提议保留的六种人格障碍(即边缘型、反社会型、分裂型、回避型、强迫型和...
根据DSM-5(精神疾病诊断与统计手册),自恋型人格障碍症属于B群人格障碍症(Cluster B personality Disorders),开始于成年期早期并持续至今,表现常有以下特点: 夸大自我重要性,例如夸大自己的才华,并期待被人看重; 永远专注于成功、权力、美貌或理想爱情等幻想中; ...
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the personality disorders described in DSM-5.Timothy C. ThomasonSkodol AE. Personality disorders in DSM-5. Ann Rev Clin Psychol. 2012;8:317-344.Shedler J, Beck A, Fonagy P, et al. Personality disorders in DSM-5. Am J Psychiatry 2010;...
Personality Disorders疾病類別工作小組召集人 人格障礙診斷標準的改變,堪稱是DSM-5試圖創新地結合類別的(categorical)與層面的(dimensional) 概念而成的混合(hybrid)模式中的指標性診斷之一。美國精神醫學會於2011年7月7日的新聞稿【1】中指出,「這次的改變將障礙類別(disorder types)及病態人格特質(pathological personal...
这些缺陷导致了维度人格障碍模型的发展,即 DSM-5 人格障碍替代模型 (the DSM-5 Alternative Model for Personality Disorders, AMPD) 和ICD-11的人格障碍章节。这种新的人格障碍评估理念,是基于人格功能(personality functioning)以及适应...
The DSM-5 Alternative Model for Personality Disorders reviews and advances this innovative and increasingly popular scheme for diagnosing and evaluating personality disorders. The authors identify the multiple clinical, theoretical, and research paradigms that co-exist in the Alternative Model for Personality...
The current approach to personality disorders appears in Section II of DSM-5, and an alternative model developed for DSM-5 is presented here in Section III. The inclusion of both models in DSM-5 reflects the decision of the APA Board of Trustees to preserve continuity with current clinical pr...