Abstract Importance No US national data are available on the prevalence and correlates of DSM-5–defined major depressive disorder (MDD) or on MDD specifiers as defined in DSM-5. Objective To present current nationally representative findings on the prevalence, correlates, psychiatric comorbidity, func...
Clarification is also needed on whether MDD can be concurrent with the new broad "other specified bipolar and related disorders". New specifiers of MDD "with anxious distress" and "with mixed features" allow characterization of additional symptoms. The specifier "with perinatal onset" expands on ...
However, despite the presence of transnosological specifiers, severity assessments, and cross-cutting symptom measure assessments, depressive disorders in DSM-5 are still diagnosed and classified based largely on categorical approaches. Moreover, the heterogeneity of MDD in terms of a polythetic ...
欲明显变化 5. 眠紊乱 6.感觉不堪重负或失控 7.躯体症状:压痛或乳房肿胀,肌肉痛,腹胀,体重增加 症状必需发生在近一年的大多数时间,是明显令人痛苦的,而不是目前疾病的恶化,并至少进行2次症状周期前评估 30 Substance/Medication-Induced Depressive Disorder 物质/药品导致的抑郁障碍 31 Specifiers forꢀ...
Specifiers for Depressive Disorders抑郁障碍的其它特征35非典型抑郁临床上部分抑郁病人,有典型抑郁症的入睡困难,是睡眠增加或过度睡眠; 没有食欲下降,而是食欲大增,甚至体重也增加;没有情绪明显低落或自觉精 力不济,有全身沉重、体如灌铅样感觉;对外界评价比较敏感,现人际关系紧张。这种抑郁即为非典型抑郁,诊断非...
Whether or not one accepts the DSM-IV position on subtypes vs episode specifiers, the very term atypical implicitly imposes a binary structure to classification and presumes that another, larger group of patients will manifest the other, more typical presentation. As dichot- omous models of ...
Besides diagnostic coverage, the SCID-5-CV differs from the SCID-5-RV in other ways. The specifiers included in the SCID-5-CV are limited to those that have an impact on the diagnostic coding. Thus, only the severity, psychosis, and remission specifiers for Bipolar Disorder and MDD are in...
(at least one major depressive disorder plus at least onehypomanic episodewithout overt mania) was added. Specifiers such as “with rapid cycling” and “with seasonal pattern” were added as qualifiers that could indicate treatment interventions and have prognostic significance. Another nice example ...
Neuropsychopharmacology (2009) 34, 2625–2632; doi:10.1038/npp.2009.99; published online 2 September 2009 Keywords: atypical depression; validity; nonmelancholic depression; DSM-IV specifiers INTRODUCTION This review focuses on post-1994 studies addressing the validity of the atypical features specifier ...
Abstract Importance No US national data are available on the prevalence and correlates of DSM-5–defined major depressive disorder (MDD) or on MDD specifiers as defined in DSM-5. Objective To present current nationally representative findings on the prevalence, correlates, psychiatric comorbidity, func...