Elhai JD, Contractor AA, Tamburrino M, Fine TH, Cohen G, Shirley E et al (2015) Structural relations between DSM-5 PTSD and Major Depression symptoms in military soldiers. J Affect Disorders 175:373–378Elhai, J.D., Contractor, A.A., Tamburrino, M., Fine, T.H., Cohen, G., ...
Depression in patients with borderline personality disorder. Harv Rev Psychiatry. 2014;22(5):266-273.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 48. Richman MJ, Unoka Z. Mental state decoding impairment in major depression and borderline personality disorder. Br J Psychiatry. 2015;207(6):483-489.PubMed...
Genetic and physiological.One-third of the risk of experiencing generalized anxiety disorder is genetic, and these genetic factors overlap with the risk of neuroticism and are shared with other anxiety and mood disorders, particularly major depressive disorder. 遗传与生理的:经历广泛性焦虑障碍风险的个体...
The changes in diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder (MDD) from the fourth to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) may appear small but have important consequences for how the diagnosis is used. In DSM-5, MDD is part of the new "...
3.Dudek D, Rybakowski JK, Siwek M, et al. Risk factors of treatment resistance in major depression: association with bipolarity. J Affect Disord. 2010;126(1-2):268-271. 核对信源住址 编辑: 郑涵之
Structural relations between DSM-5 PTSD and major depression symptoms in military soldiers DSM-5Posttraumatic stress disorderMajor depressive disorderFactor analysisMilitary veteransComorbidityPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder... Jon D. Elhai a b,Ateka A. Contractor a,Mari...
重度和轻度神经认知障碍Major and Mild Neurocognitive Disorders: 1.重度神经认知障碍 Major Neurocognitive Disorder 2.轻度神经认知障碍 Mild Neurocognitive Disorder 3.由于阿尔海默兹病所致的重度或轻度神经认知障碍 Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due toAlzheimer’s Disease ...
major depression and bereavement cannot co-occur appears false.7Depression related to bereavement can share many of the same symptoms as nonbereavement-related depression and can accordingly respond to treatment. Similarly, major depression can share features with other forms of significant loss or ...
此外,DSM-5中两位最具影响的批评者Allen Frances和Robert Spitzer是分别领导DSM-4和DSM-3编撰的著名精神科医生。 2011年,英国心理学会(BPS)发布了一份声明,以回应APA DSM-5诊断标准草案。受BPS声明的启发,当时担任SHP总裁的David Elkins成立了一个“公开信”委员会(后来是国际DSM-5应对委员会)。该委员会包括当时...
Unlike children diagnosed with bipolar disorder or oppositional defiant disorder, a child whose symptoms meet criteria for disruptive mood dysregulation disorder also can receive a comorbid diagnosis of ADHD, major depressive disorder, and/or anxiety disorder. However, children whose irritability is ...