International Journal of Eating DisordersWalsh BT. Eating Disorders in DSM-V: Review of Existing Literature (Part 1). Int J Eat Disord. 2009;42(7):579-80.Walsh, B. T. (2009). Eating disorders in DSM-V: Review of existing literature (Part 1). International Journal of Eating Disorders,...
5 其它特定性躯体症状和相关障碍 UnspecifiedSomaticSymptomandRelatedDisorder327 未特定的躯体症状和相关障碍 FeedingandEatingDisorders329 喂食和进食障碍 Pica329 异食症 RuminationDisorder332 反刍障碍 Avoidant/RestrictiveFoodIntakeDisorder334 回避性/限制性摄食障碍 AnorexiaNervosa338 神经性厌食 BulimiaNervosa345 神经性...
DSM5智力障碍诊断标准及原文.pdf,诊断标准: 智力障碍(智力发育障碍)是起病于发育时期,在概念、社交和实用领域中的智力和适应功能的缺陷。须符合以下三个诊断标准: A 经临床评估和个体化、标准化的智力评测确认的智力功能障碍,如推理、问题解决、计划、抽象思维、判断
Abstract This chapter reviews the diagnostic criteria, and that appear in the “Feeding and Eating Disorders” chapter of theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition(DSM-5). Upon extensive reviews of the literature, theDSM-5work group sought to provide clarifications and ...
This chapter reviews the diagnostic criteria, and that appear in the "Feeding and Eating Disorders" chapter of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition ( DSM-5 ). Upon extensive reviews of the literature, the DSM-5 work group sought to provide clarifications and ...
Guest Editorial Free This Issue: Eating Disorders in DSM-5 B. Timothy Walsh, MD Psychiatric Annals November 2012 - Volume 42 · Issue 11: 399-400 Posted November 20, 2012 DOI: 10.3928/00485713-20121105-03 READ OR SUBMIT ARTICLE COMMENTS EMAIL PRINT SAVE READ OR SUBMIT ARTICLE COMMENTS...
Section I: DSM5 Basics Introduction Use of the Manual Cautionary Statement for Forensic Use of DSM5 第一节:DSM5基础 介绍 手册的使用 法医使用DSM5的警示声明 Section II: Diagnostic Criteria and Codes Neurodevelopmental Disorders ...
This national survey of US adults presents findings on the prevalence, correlates, psychiatric comorbidity, functioning, and treatment of DSM-5 major
The current study aimed to compare the prevalence, stability, and psychosocial correlates of DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 eating disorders, in a population-based sample of male and female adolescents followed prospectively from 14 to 20 years of age. Participants (N = 1,383; 49% male) were drawn ...
Consistent with DSM-5, primary AUDADIS-5 mood and anxiety diagnoses excluded substance- and medical illness–induced disorders. In addition to mood and anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder), and ...