特殊学习障碍(specific;learning disorder)由于儿童在阅读、文宇表达和数学领域的缺陷常常同时存在,DSM-5中的特殊学习障碍合并了DSM-4中阅读障碍、数学障碍、文宇表达障碍以及学习障碍未特定型,统称为特殊学习障碍。 运动障碍(motor disorders)DSM-5中的运动障碍包括了DSM-4中的三类疾病,即运动技巧障碍、抽动障碍和刻板性...
破坏性心境失调障碍(disruptive mood dysregulation disorder)重性抑郁障碍(major depressive disorder)持续性阴郁障碍(心境恶劣)(persistent depressive disorder)(dysthymia)经前期烦躁障碍(premenst…
related conditions, particularly pediatric bipolar disorder. In fact, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder was added to DSM-5 to address the considerable concern about the appropriate classification and treatment of children who present with chronic, persistent irritability...
related conditions, particularly pediatric bipolar disorder. In fact, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder was added to DSM-5 to address the considerable concern about the appropriate classification and treatment of children who present with chronic, persistent irritability...
自第1版DSM以来,美国精神病学会就认为双相障碍(以前称燥郁症)主要存在于成年人之中。然而,近二十年间,被诊断为双相障碍的美国儿童增加了4倍多。许多精神病专家认为,那些儿童并不具有双相障碍,所以美国精神病学会针对他们设立了一种新病症:破坏性情绪失调障碍(disruptive mood dysregulation disorder)。
The article discusses the findings of the researchers that the controversial new DSM-5 diagnosis of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder is relatively uncommon, after preschool age, and frequently discussing depressive disorders and oppositional defiant disorder. The result presents statistics that criteria...
4.重度或轻度额颞叶神经认知障碍 Major or MildFrontotemporalNeurocognitive Disorder (行为与语言) 5.重度或轻度神经认知障碍伴路易体Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder WithLewy Bodies (波动注意,视幻觉 fluctuating sensorium, pathognomonic alphasynuclein tangles (Lewy Bodies)) ...
A number of children met DSM-5 criteria for DMDD, and the diagnosis was associated with numerous concurrent and predictive indicators of emotional and behavioral dysregulation and poor functioning. 展开 关键词: Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder early childhood predictors ...
除了「亞斯伯格症候群」納入「自閉症譜系障礙」,DSM-5還有幾項修訂,其一是將反覆暴怒這種 症狀取個新病名為「分裂性情緒失調症」(Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, DMDD),因為有 太多小孩被錯誤診斷為躁鬱症,接受強力心理藥物治療。另一項修訂是停用「性別認同障礙」(Gender Identity Disorder)一詞,改稱「...
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder:In an effort to address the increase in the diagnosis of pediatric bipolar disorder among children with severe emotional and behavioral disturbance, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder will be included inDSM-5. The aim is to reduce confusion about whether severe...