peers(CriterionB).Onsetisduringthedevelopmentalperiod(CriterionC).Thediagnosisofin tellectualdisabilityisbasedonbothclinicalassessmentandstandardizedtestingof intellectualandadaptivefunctions. TABLE1Severitylevelsforintellectualdisability(intellectualdevelopmentaldisorder) Severity ConceptualdomainSocialdomainPracticaldomain evel...
(Criterion A) and impairment in everydayadaptive functioning, inparison to an individual’s age-, gender-, and socioculturallymatchedpeers(CriterionB).Onsetisduringthedevelopmental period(CriterionC).Thediagnosisof intellectual disability is based on both clinical assessment and standardized testingof...
Onset of intellectual and adaptive deficits during the developmental period.Note: The diagnostic term intellectual disability is the equivalent term for the ICD-11 diagnosis of intellectual developmental disorders.Although the term intellectual disability isused throughout 15、 this manual, both terms are...
for example, the treatment guidelines for those conditions should be followed instead, for example the dissociative amnesia within Dissociative Identity Disorder is not a suggested method of diagnosis and medication
Differential Diagnosis Anxiety disorders. Recurrent thoughts, avoidant behaviors, and repetitive requests for reassurance can also occur in anxiety disorders. However, the recurrent thoughts that are present in generalized anxiety disorder (i.e., worries) are usually about real-life concerns, whereas the...
Differential Diagnosis 鉴别诊断 Anxiety disorder due to another medical condition.The diagnosis of anxiety disorder associated with another medical condition should be assigned if the individual's anxiety and worry are judged, based on history, laboratory findings, or physical examination, to be a physi...
The DSM is part of the decision-making process for making a psychiatric diagnosis. And Dr. Hyman is actually—absolutely right. If somebody were to open up the book and just read the words and just apply them without using any clinical judgment, that could be very, very harmful. But that...
Tobin and House's (2016) book, DSM-5 Diagnosis in the Schools, addresses these contemporary changes. They further decipher and simplify what often appear in the DSM-5 as exceedingly confusing, complex, and lengthy psychological constructs into easily understandable and accurate diagnoses. Specifically...
example, the typical patient meeting criteria for a specific personality disorder frequently also meets criteria for other personality disorders. Similarly, other specified or unspecified personality disorder is often the correct (but mostly uninformative) diagnosis, in the sense that patients do not tend...