DSM-5mental health assessmentmental health diagnosisZ-codesTheDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM) is the standard reference text used by social workers for diagnosing mental disorders. The social work profession has always had an uneasy relationship with theDSM, but for 33years...
- Up-to-date access to ICD-10-CM codes for clinical and administrative use - Addition of Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) to Section II—a new disorder for diagnosis - Over 70 modified criteria sets with helpful clarifications since publication of DSM-5® ...
DSM-5 nonaxial assessment system 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 -replaces the DSM-IV's multiaxial classification system -all mental and medical diagnoses (former Axis I, Axis II, and Axis III) are listed together with the primary diagnosis listed first -psychosocial and contextual factors (former Axis...
For ICD-11, the BDD diagnosis requires both the presence of one or more chronic, distressing bodily symptoms (which can be “medically unexplained” or caused or exacerbated by a general medical condition) and “excessive attention” or “disproportionate or maladaptive” thoughts, feelings or behav...
For ICD-11, the BDD diagnosis requires both the presence of one or more chronic, distressing bodily symptoms (which can be “medically unexplained” or caused or exacerbated by a general medical condition) and “excessive attention” or “disproportionate or maladaptive” thoughts, feelings or behav...
THE DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS INTERVIEW SCHEDULE - DSM-5 VERSION The Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS) is a highly structured interview that makes DSM-5 diagnoses of somatic symptom disorder, borderline personality disorder and major depressive disorder, as well as all the dissociative ...
1 Dimsdale J, Creed F. DSM-V Workgroup on Somatic Symptom Disorders: the proposed diagnosis of somatic symptom disorders in DSM-V to replace somatoform disorders in DSM-IV – a preliminary report. J Psychosom Res 2009;66:473-6. 2 DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorders Work Group Disorder Descriptio...
在本章,为了理解DSM-5受到批评的多个层面,我们应用了生态系统模型,并试图综合一系列观点。最后,我们考虑了如何利用对DSM- 5的批评和评价来促进新的诊断分类(例如,研究领域标准)。美国国家精神卫生研究所的标准[RDoC]项目)以及生态模型可能应用于未来诊断范式的方式。 对DSM-5的批判简史本章非常感谢伴随DSM-5开发,...
With the publication of the DSM-5, however, the multiaxial diagnostic system was abandoned, and many social workers are concerned that this change limits their ability to provide comprehensive diagnoses. The purpose of this article is to consider an expanded use of Z-codes as one way to ...