(1997). Anxiety disorders in the elderly: DSM-IV and other barriers to diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Affective Disorders, 46, 183-190.Palmer BW, Jeste DV, Sheikh JI. Anxiety disorders in the el- derly: DSM-IV and other barriers to diagnosis and treatment. J Affect Disord. Dec ...
Elimination of 5 Axis Diagnosis Significant overlap with ICD-10/11Integration of emerging genetic neuroimaging research20Major Changes of DSM5 Lanius et al., 2010 Dissociative subtype of PTSD 22Three Major Sections1. The Basics 2. Diagnostic Criteria Codes3. Emerging Measures Models - ...
The DSM-5 organizes mental disorders into the following chapters: Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders, Bipolar and Related Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders, Dissocia...
Stein DJ, Craske MG, Friedman MJ et al (2011) Meta-structure issues for the DSM-5: how do anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, post-traumatic disorders, and dissociative disorders fit together? Curr Psychiatry Rep 13(4):248–250. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11920-011...
Diagnostic efficiency of symptoms in the diagnosis of DSM-IV: generalized anxiety disorder in youth. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2002;43(7):959–67.Pina AA, Silverman WK, Alfano CA, Saavedra LM. Diagnostic efficiency of symptoms in the diagnosis of DSM-IV: generalized anxiety disorder in ...
Agenda Trauma and Stress-Induced Disorders Overview of Acute Stress Disorder, Adjustment Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Changes Similarities Clinical case examples for PTSD diagnosis Significance to clinical social work practice Questions ...
1 Dimsdale J, Creed F. DSM-V Workgroup on Somatic Symptom Disorders: the proposed diagnosis of somatic symptom disorders in DSM-V to replace somatoform disorders in DSM-IV – a preliminary report. J Psychosom Res 2009;66:473-6. 2 DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorders Work Group Disorder Descriptio...
在本章,为了理解DSM-5受到批评的多个层面,我们应用了生态系统模型,并试图综合一系列观点。最后,我们考虑了如何利用对DSM- 5的批评和评价来促进新的诊断分类(例如,研究领域标准)。美国国家精神卫生研究所的标准[RDoC]项目)以及生态模型可能应用于未来诊断范式的方式。 对DSM-5的批判简史本章非常感谢伴随DSM-5开发,...
The fourth set of changes was the effort that was put into expanding and enriching the narrative text sections. This enrichment helps the clinician to better understand thephenomenologyof these disorders and to make a betterdifferential diagnosis. It will also serve as an excellent introduction to ...