1948年的DSM-I,当时的名称叫做“情绪不稳定人格”(英语:emotionally unstable personality disorder),第二次世界大战,大家对这谜样的心理病症仍无法勾勒出清楚轮廓,然而曙光似乎在1967、68年开始呈现,1967肯伯格发表边缘人格组织(英语:borderline personality organization)论文,他提出此人格三大特点,与DSM诊断标准有直接关系...
The DSM‐5 Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD) characterizes borderline personality disorder (BPD) in part as a constellation of maladaptive personality trait facets including emotional lability, anxiousness, separation insecurity, depressivity, impulsivity, risk‐taking, and hostility. ...
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) diagnosis has been considered highly controversial. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM-5) proposes an alternative hybrid diagnostic model for personality disorders (PD), and the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) has ...
Introduction: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) diagnosis has been considered highly controversial. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM-5) proposes an alternative hybrid diagnostic model for personality disorders (PD), and the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PI...
Although some research supports this general approach, no empirical studies have yet examined the specific definitions proposed for DSM-5. Given the wide interest in borderline personality disorder (BPD), it is crucial to determine how this methodological shift might affect the content and ...
avoidant, borderline, narcissistic, obsessive-compulsive, and schizotypal personality disorders. This approach also includes a diagnosis of personality disorder—trait specified (PD-TS) that can be made when a personality disorder is considered present but the criteria for a specific disorder are not me...
The present article critically examines the diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder (BPD) recently proposed by the DSM-IV Axis II work group (Gunderson, J. G., et al., Journal of Personality Disorders, 5, 340–352, 1991). It is concluded that some of the revisions ar...
Background: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) comprises a heterogeneous constellation of problems operationalized in the DSM-5 and the forthcoming ICD-11. In schema therapy, schemas and modes are employed to conceptualize and treat these problems. Aim: The current study investigated whether the 9...
The Childhood Interview for DSM-IV Borderline Personality Disorder (CI-BPD) [Zanarini, 2003] is a promising interview-based measure of adolescent BPD. Currently, no studies have explicitly been designed to examine the psychometric properties of the CI-BPD. The aim of the current study was to ...
Borderline and Avoidant Personality Disorders and the Five-Factor Model of Personality: A Comparison Between DSM-IV Diagnoses and NEO-PI-R 出版社: Guilford Publications Inc E-ISSN: 1943-2763|13|3|226-240 ISSN: 0885-579X 来源: Journal of Personality Disorders, 卷13, 期3, 1999-09, 页码 :...