Variants near Chrnb3-Chrna6 are associated with Dsm-5 cocaine use disorder: evidence for pleiotropy. Sci. Rep. 4, 4497 (2014).Sadler B, Haller G, Agrawal A, Culverhouse R, Bucholz K, et al. (2014) Variants near CHRNB3- CHRNA6 are associated with DSM-5 cocaine use disorder: evidence...
the SCID-5-CV focuses largely on whether the criteria are currently met, as the current clinical status of a disorder is most relevant for treatment decisions. The only disorders in the SCID-5-CV that also include a lifetime assessment are MDD,Bipolar Iand II Disorders, Schizophrenia and the...
marijuana, cocaine, other street drugs?) PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY When in your life did you first experience your symptoms? When was the first time you saw someone for emotional or psychiatric problems? (What was that for? What treatment(s) did you receive? What medications?) Were there other...
Cocaine DependenceResearch VersionFemale InmateMale InmateIntroductionThe U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have recently mandated that the International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD-10; World Health Organization 2015a; 2015b) criteria for substance use disorders are to be ...
Variants near Chrnb3-Chrna6 are associated with Dsm-5 cocaine use disorder: evidence for pleiotropy. Sci. Rep. 4, 4497 (2014).Sadler B, Haller G, Agrawal A, Culverhouse R, Bucholz K, et al. (2014) Variants near CHRNB3- CHRNA6 are associated with DSM-5 cocaine use disorder: evidence...
Factor structures for DSM-IV substance disorder criteria endorsed by alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and opiate users: results form the WHO reliability and validity study. Addiction. 1999; 94 :843–855.Nelson CB, Rehm J, Ustun TB, Grant B, Chatterji S. Factor structures for DSM-IV substance ...