headtraumaleading to significantcerebral concussion, abnormalities on neuropsychiatric testing or quantified cognitive assessment of attention or memory deficits and three or more of the following symptoms lasting at least 3months: (1) becoming fatigued easily, (2) disordered sleep, (3) headache, (4)...
J Trauma Stress. 2013;26(4):435-442.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 58. Brewin CR. Episodic memory, perceptual memory, and their interaction: foundations for a theory of posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychol Bull. 2014;140(1):69-97.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 59. Crespo M, Fernández-Lansac...
"Distinguishing Trauma-Associated Narcissistic Symptoms from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Diagnostic Challenge." Harvard Review of Psychiatry 10 (February 2002): 28-36. Tschanz, Brian T. "Gender Differences in the Study of Narcissism: A Multi-Sample Analysis of the Narcissistic Personality ...
7. Trauma-related disorders: These disorders are characterized by the experience of a stressful or disturbing event. Examples include adjustment disorder, PTSD, and acute stress disorder. 8. Dissociative disorders: These disorders are characterized by a disturbance in memory, perception, emotion, or...
1 DSM AmericanPsychiatricAssociation,2013 北京大学第六医院 以科学精神体现人文关怀 PekingUniversitySixthHospital DSM-IV的5轴诊断方法 轴I临床症状和疾病轴V轴II人格特点/精神发育迟滞 整体功能状态 轴IV心理和环境压力 以科学精神体现人文关怀 轴III 一般医疗状况 北京大学第六医院PekingUniversitySixthHospital DSM-5...
摘要: BACKGROUND: This study compares rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in female veterans who had military sexual trauma (MST) with rates of PTSD in women veterans with all other types of trauma.关键词:military sexual trauma PTSD women’s health ...
EMOTIONAL traumaTSUNAMISStudies of PTSD among Malaysians are virtually unavailable. Three years after the 2004 tsunami, PTSD symptoms among Malays directly exposed to this disaster were examined. To examine the potential predictive factors of PTSD symptoms. To determine PTSD prevalence, severity, and ...
3、ders vDepressive Disorders Depressive Disorders vAnxiety Disorders Anxiety Disorders vObsessive-Compulsive and related Obsessive-Compulsive and related disordersdisordersvTrauma- and Stressor-related Trauma- and Stressor-related disorders disorders 8.Dissociative disorders8.Dissociative disorders9. 4、Somatic...
Narcissistic personality disorder might even develop as the result of neglect or abuse and trauma inflicted by parents or other authority figures during childhood (Medicine Net, 2010). There is no known cure for Narcissistic Personality Disorder except Psychotherapy. This therapy would try to help ...