方便企业通过DSLAM统一接入高带宽: 能够让高价值客户通过FE/GE直接接入高可靠: 运营商级的可靠性易管理: 通过QinQ技术,实现用户企业分别独立管理高密度(MA5600T): 48 端口业务版, 单框支持768 P2P 接口MA5603T/MA5608T/MA5616 支持GPON上行Bank branchGE/GPONIP/MPLSCore NetworkSoftswitchInternetIP VideoDSLAMBank...
11、 3Vlan nUpper networkPage Super VLAN 业务SuperVLAN是一个虚拟的三层接口。它可以添加多个SubVlan,并且这些SubVlan共享一个三层接口,从而到达节省IP网段的目的。SuperVLAN 不包括物理端口。SubVLAN是SuperVLAN的子VLAN。SmartVLAN、MUXVLAN可以参与到SuperVLAN作为SubVLAN,但前提是该VLAN必需曾经创建。SuperVLAN100SubVL...
业务接点接口(SNI)Sservice Node Interface 用户网络接口(UNI)User Network Interface 多租户单元(MTU)Maximum Transmission Unit DSL(数字用户线)Domain Specific language MDU(多住户单元)Multiple Dwelling Unit 用户驻地网(CPN) Centaline Property Network 频分复用(FDD)Floppy disk duive 时分复用(TDM)Time Division...
Google TPUs will see a share of over 70% in the in-house developed cloud ASIC accelerator market in 2024; an all-optical network... AI chip market outlook 2023-2028: Insights from demand and supply perspectives The growing demand for AI computational power is accelerating advancements in hardw...
Introduction of the MPLS technology to access network can solve the problem of the insufficient VLAN resources (the MPLS label is used to identify subscribers and services). The application of the MPLS OAM technology enables the end-to-end fault protection to meet the high reliability requirements...
Implementing Demanding Traffic Processing Requirements for Next-Generation DSLAM Network Architectures%下一代DSLAM网络架构实施严格的流量处理要求由于对DSLAM架构在分组处理和吞吐量方面的要求越来越高,解决该问题的最佳方案是提供一个分布式架构,以便大多数流量处理要求能够在线卡级别实施.但是,要完全实现这一方案,DSLAM...
MySQL] Oracle通过dblink连接MySQL--Oracle 19c连接到MySQL 5.7In order to perform network operations...
简单网络管理协议(SNMP:SimpleNetworkManagementProtoc01)是由 互联网工程任务组(IETF:InternetEngineering TaskForce)定义的一套 网络管理协议。该协议基于简单网关监视协议(SGMP:simpleGateway Monitor Protoc01)。利用sNMP,一个管理工作站可以远程管理所有支持这种协议的网 络设备,包括监视网络状态、修改网络设备配置、接收...
用户网络接口(UNI)User Network Interface 多租户单元(MTU)Maximum Transmission Unit DSL(数字用户线)Domain Specific language MDU(多住户单元)Multiple Dwelling Unit 用户驻地网(CPN) Centaline Property Network 频分复用(FDD)Floppy disk duive 时分复用(TDM)Time Division Multiplex and Multiplexer ...
IHuawei MSAN(Multi-Service Access Node)&DSLAM(digital subscriber line access multiplexer) series offers various access modes, including DSL and POTS, and supports different services, including broadband, narrowband, and private line services. The MSAN&DSLAM device capacity is usually large, therefore,...