DSL 数字用户线(Digital Subscriber Line,简称DSL)是一种常见的高速宽带接入技术,其利用现有的电话线路提供高速数据传输服务。DSL技术具有传输速度快、成本低廉等优势,在现代通信领域得到广泛应用。 1.DSL技术优势 相较于传统的拨号上网和ISDN等技术,DSL技术具有以下几个优势: 传输速度快:DSL技术可以实现与Internet的高速...
DSL technology Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology provides instant internet and network access at speeds up to 50 times faster than a 28.8Kbps modem on a standard analog phone line. There are no dial-up delays, no busy signals. What used to take minutes or hours to download will take...
迪信科技发展有限公司(DSL technology Development Limited) 报告 监控 4万+ 2025-02-05更新 法定代表人: - 注册资本:- 成立日期:- 电话:- 邮箱:- 网址:- 地址:-- 企业规模:- 财产线索 线索数量8财产类型3 发票抬头 数据纠错 关注 天眼图谱
DSL technology Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology provides instant internet and network access at speeds up to 50 times faster than a 28.8Kbps modem on a standard analog phone line. There are no dial-up delays, no busy signals. What used to take minutes or hours to download will take...
1、宽带上网及DSL技术解析The Analysis of the Broad Band and DSL Technology石良武湖南女子大学电教中心 E-mail : chshd在ISDN逐步取代传统Modem的同时,又一种数字用户线路DSL脱颖而出,宽带网络已是显山露水。文章从认识宽带业务入手,对DSL宽带尤其是新一代的EDSL技术及其应用作了有益探讨。关键词: 网络 宽带 ...
Focuses on the potential of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology to boost the use of asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switches in public networks. Companies that have introduced products or announced plans for ATM over Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) equipment at the 1997 Comnet exhibition; ADSL Forum...
DSL技术部署已超过十年,不断面临来自其他传输媒介的严峻挑战。华为DSL领域首席专家龙国柱向您介绍,华为如何创新采用合适的技术来降低DSL的复杂度并保持低成本,使其在与其他媒介的竞争中立于不败之地。 2012年12月 This is a modal window. 视频因格式不支持或者服务器或网络的问题无法加载。
December 11, 2022byBenmin Smith dsl port As DSL technology becomes more and more popular, users began looking for more information regarding this internet component. Even though there is a lot of information going around on the internet, not everyone gets to the point of really understanding thi...
德国电信还为其客户提供了Speedport Pro Plus混合解决方案(4G和DSL绑定),零售价为399欧元——由于该捆绑包中5G接收器的额外成本,这比Hybrid 5G解决方案低了130欧元。该电信运营商在其宽带服务套餐中采用了一种技术不限(technology-agnostic)的做法。因此,Omdia欧洲市场研究分析师Diana Gorelik指出,主要的问题是:...
DSL is an older internet technology, so your speeds will be much slower than other technology types, such as fiber, cable and even fixed wireless. Most DSL providers only offer max speeds up to 100 Mbps. Best for: DSL internet is best for low and moderate internet users who browse, ...