With whatever test site you use pay close attention to the host it's using. Distance obviously can make a big difference as can time of day (congestion). The best speed results come when you run the tests multiple times at various times of the day. Just like imaging, more data is bett...
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PG&E turned off the power for a lot of Northern California last night a little after 1am. When it was time for breakfast my newpoint-to-point wireless internet servicewas non functional. The problem is that the equipment on my neighbors house has a battery that's only good for a couple ...
NDCU T3 Server @ i live in Downey, California. I use earthlink/Verizon 768/128 ADSL (speed totally sucks like 500/90 but my ping rocks) usually get between 15-90 ms pings on NCDU server. AVG about 40 CounterStrike 1.159ms(click thumbnail!)[DSLR]Kinguni.. I never...
It is most available in Illinois, Kansas, California, and Oklahoma. The nation's second largest DSL provider is CenturyLink. Typical DSL plans come with download speeds up to 7 Mbps. In select areas internet speeds may be as high as 40 Mbps. Cities across 36 states have access to a ...
High Speed Internet (DSL) performance Our High Speed Internet service is provided over a copper network which is subject to performance variation due to a number of factors including distance from switching stations. Due to these performance variations, this service is sold as a range of expected...
Researchers associated with the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego have identified multiple implementation flaws in the Alcatel Speed Touch ADSL "modem" (actually an ADSL-Ethernet router/bridge). These flaws can allow an intruder to take complete control of the...
The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCB's public domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1981, Regents of the University of California. ...
One Server/ Connection in CaliforniaOne Server/ Connection in OhioOne Server/ Connection in FloridaOne Server/ Connection in VirginiaOne Server/ Connection in NYC or Upstate NYOne Server/ Connection in IrelandOne Server/ Connection in AustrailiaThat way people closest to a point could connect to ...
Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are becoming more and more popular. However, the number of DSLs is still small when comparing to the number of existing applications. The results of our previous research showed that it is possible to speed up the DSL dev