WorkplaceoffersstaffWeb-basedaccess toa variety of enterpriseapplicationsincludingthe Microsoft Office Productivity Suite, Intranet sitesandadministrative tools.This serviceoffersremotedesktop applications toregistered andauthorized staff and contractors afterthey passauthenticationattheDSHS VirtualWorkplacethroughan...
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and related regulations (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.) give FDA staff the legal authority and responsibility to review th... K Kobayashi,RJ Delap - 《Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences》 ...
Access to employment support Job try-outs, job development, and on-the job training and support. Working knowledge of community resources like the bus system Segue to long-term employment support (post high school) Outcomes Outcomes Expectations: Young adults with developmental disabiliti...