名校生dse bio突破5攞星的關鍵 04/03/2024 眾所週知,biology在science 的subjects之中,是令名校生最難捉摸、最難取星的。 其他science subjects其實就是physics chemistry maths, 這些科目都有大量的算式、公式等去運算,算來算去、答來答去都走不出有限的框架,講白一點只要夠勤力,努力,又有一定程度的能力,就...
(1) 若 log X>log Y,则 X>Y log (124^241)=504.5 log (241^214)=509.7 log (412^142)=371.3 log (421^124)=325.4 509.7 最大,所以答案是(B)。 (34) 7x2^10=1110000000000 (二进制,111后有10个0) 2^8=1110000000000 (二进制,1后有8个0) 5x2^3-2^3=4x2...
Maths Teacher Ms. Joyce ZHAO graduated from Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics with a Bachelor of Engineering degree. She used to be a data engineer at AVIC and a Maths teacher at Xiangyang Central School. Ms. ZHAO has won the Provincial Prize of the Henan Provincial Mathematics Competition, Ou...
you should check that all the questions are there. Look for the words 'END OF PAPER' after the last question. 3. All questions carry equal marks. 4. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. You are advised to use an HB pencil to mark all the answers on the Answer Sheet, so that wrong marks can be ...