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Maths Teacher Ms. Joyce ZHAO graduated from Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics with a Bachelor of Engineering degree. She used to be a data engineer at AVIC and a Maths teacher at Xiangyang Central School. Ms. ZHAO has won the Provincial Prize of the Henan Provincial Mathematics Competition, Ou...
Elaine has been instrumental towards my success at AS level maths. Before I started my lessons with Elaine, I was struggling with maths and was consistently getting bellow 70% and even had to retake some of the topic tests (bare in mind this was only C1). However after meeting Elaine, ...
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“ Deep School of Economics prepared me for each and every topic related to Maths and Economics in such an extensive manner that I was able to grasp almost every topic very well. Sudhir Sir continuously supported me with the subjects and his in-depth knowledge about the subjects is applaudable...
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