[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\QoS\putty] "版本"="1.0" "应用程序名称"="putty.exe" "协议"="*" "本地端口"="*" "本地IP"="*" "本地IP前缀长度"="*" "远程端口"="*" "远程IP"="*" "远程IP前缀长度"="*" ...
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\QoS\putty] 「版本」="1.0" "應用程式名稱"="putty.exe" "協定"="*" "本地埠"="*" "本地IP"="*" "本地IP字首長度"="*" "遠端埠"="*" "遠端IP"="*" "遠端IP字首長度"="*" ...
位置:gpedit.msc->本地计算机策略->用户配置->Windows 设置->基于策略的 Qos
在[Windows Management Instrumentation 測試器]對話方塊中,按一下[連線]。 在[連線]對話方塊的[命名空間]中,輸入root\cimv2,然後按一下[連線],然後按一下[列舉類別]。 在[Windows Management Instrumentation 測試器]對話方塊中,按一下[列舉類別]。
>> c:\test\test.log echo %USERNAME% >> c:\test\test.log 然后将此文件放入 C:\Windows\...
Hello, I'm trying to get DSCP QoS tagging (-S option) to work on Windows 7, 8.1, 10, this without succes. I've created an post on the Microsoft ItPro forums. In the reply they ask about how the software (iperf3) has been developed to inc...
我测试发现启用软件流量分载只是用openwrt标记不了dscp,如果标记了dscp,还是会生效。可以在客户端标记DSCP,linux可以通过iptables命令,windows可以通过命令行或cfosspeed软件来标记dscp。 开启软件流量分载后,sqm接口设置为pppoe-wan有人说不工作,可能要设置为ethX或wan,具体自行测试。我设置pppoe-wan+软件流量分载不影响...
Installing and Deploying Updates for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Installing Windows Server 2003 R2 R2: Product Evaluation R2: Getting Started (R2 only) R2: Planning and Architecture (R2 only) R2: Deployment (R2 only) Save Add to Collections ...
字段的组合。为了利用只支持“IP 优先”的旧路由器,会使用 DSCP 值,因为 DSCP 值与“IP 优先”字段兼容。每一个DSCP编码值都被映射到一个已定义的PHB(Per-Hop-Behavior)标识码。通过键入DSCP值,电话、Windows客户和服务器等终端设备也可对流量进行标识。
Operating Systems: Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016 Firmware version: 2.30.8000 or higherSetting the DSCP in the IP Header Marking DSCP value in the IP header is done differently for IP packets constructed by the NIC (e.g. RDMA traffic) and for packets ...