Details of the scenario you tried and the problem that is occurring This issue is created to bring some improvements to the SqlSetup DSC Configuration. The idea is to report all the missing options in the resource to be allow the install...
-rw--- 1 root root 196 Dec 7 13:24 silent_setup.xml 可以看到 silent_setup.xml文件的权限没有改过来 chown dmdba:dinstall silent_setup.xml 在/tmp 目录下把这set_host_env.tmp setup_database.tmp 删掉重新执行OK了 在/etc/ansiable 目录下重新执行ansible-playbook dsc_automation.yml 第22步启动cs...
Hi I am trying to do SQL (SQL Server 2022) Automation along with Always_ON and failover Cluster setup using Ansible on Azure VM (Windows 2019 Server) . Since SQL VM do not have internet connectivit... Show More DSC sql server SqlPermission Windows PowerShell ...
Sets SQL Server MaxDop Enables TCP for SQL Server listening on 1433 or the port passed And finally sets 10 different SQL Server Configuration items based on the paramaters supplied.To recap a single call to:SingleInstanceInstall Standalone { Server = $Node.Nodename SetupSourcePath =...
sql_dialect.go updated sql server dialect Feb 15, 2022 sql_dialect_test.go updated sql server dialect Feb 15, 2022 sql_manager.go updated error handling Sep 20, 2022 sql_manager_factory.go minor refactoring Feb 26, 2018 sql_manager_test.go ...
To verify that the SqlPermission resource is defined correctly in your DSC configuration script, check the following: Make sure that you are using the correct name of the resource (SqlPermission). Make sure that the resource name is case-sensitive. ...
Add domain user as sysadmin in SQL Server 2012 using PowerShell Add formatting and style to a html report in powershell Add full control to computer object Add ICMPv4/v6 Echo Request Using PowerShell Add IP output to Test-Connection Add line to a text file just after a specific line with...
6、静噪调节:旋转[SQL]旋钮,信号最清晰,噪音最小。7、拿起话筒,按下发射键,讲话。8、放开发射键,接听。9、通话完毕,挂上话筒。第四节电话模式操作 九、收听VHF岸台通报表1、查找某岸台的VHF通报表。(如上海台P322)2、选择一个通报的频道。(在VHF的TRFFICLIST:栏目中选一个,如20)...
Now Restart-SqlService waits for the instance to return status “Online” or throws an error saying it failed to connect within the timeout period. Style cleanup in code and tests. Changes to SqlSetup Added parameter ASServerMode to support installing Analysis Services in Multidimensional mode,...
Starting in release 17090 of Windows Server, SQL Server is a supported option for the Pull Service (Windows Feature DSC-Service). This provides a new option for scaling large DSC environments that have not migrated to Azure Automation DSC....