Trilinear Technologies Inc., headquartered in Portland, Ore. and privately funded, is a premier provider of soft IP cores for ASIC implementation and FPGA prototyping. The company services the broadcast, consumer display, medical, mobile devices, military, and security markets. Trilinear’s IP cores...
then that is WTF. “Oh look. Since this type of couples photography is essentially a form of portraiture, you will want to bring the appropriate lighting kit. This means that it will be important to use one light with diffusion, likely in the form of a large scale silk or umbrella. The...
#Convert a DICOM file 'file.dcm' to JPEG and store#the results in a dirctory called 'out'.#The 'out' dir will contain a set of JPEG#images of form 'output-sliceXXX.jpg'.#NOTE! If the directory containing 'file.dcm' contains#multiple DICOM files, *ALL* of these will be converted...
in the interviews – a trend also reported to occur within the wider patient community on social media – fearing they would lose access to their services. One participant chose not to disclose their full clinical history to a new doctor to protect them from being targeted by medical ...
Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization Section snippets Methods for screening or preparing pharmaceutical co-crystals Co-crystal screening and preparation methods can broadly be categorized as conventional and advanced techniques, as indica...
Full size image In conformity with Table 2 and Fig. 6, the DSC results of theophylline mixtures with sorbitol reveal the lack of melting point of theophylline on the DSC curves of mixtures. Only on the DSC curve of 9:1 mixture is the changed, broadened, shifted and decreased peak of theo...
The exact values of the confusion matrices are given in supplementary table S4 of the Appendix. Full size image When classifying the gliomas by grade, 53% of included gliomas were classified correctly and 87% of the cases received grade classification with a distance less or equal to 1. The ...
X'Pert3 powder X-ray diffractometer, UK [45,46]. The average size of crystallites was calculated using the Scherrer's formula (1) G = kλ/βcosθ (1) Where, G: crystallite size, λ: radiation wavelength, k: equipment constant, β: full-width half maximum, and θ: Bragg angle [...
The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. Sudre et al. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (2020) 20:149 Page 2 ...
of computer vision techniques in the diagnosis of skin cancer. Important Dates Submission of abstracts September 1, 2012 Notification of initial editorial decisions September 15, 2012 Submission of full-length chapters November 15, 2012 Notification of final editorial decisions January 15, 2013 ...