Firmware updates are available using DLS 5 software. Such a signal can become corrupted for a number of reasons, including power surges and other electrical interference. In such event, if there is a corrupted message generated, there is a small chance that the panel will lose communication ...
DIRECTX/DIRECTX.CAB/gm16.dls 3.4 MB 8 Jan 1999 DIRECTX/DIRECTX.CAB/gmreadme.txt 576 bytes 8 Jan 1999 DIRECTX/DIRECTX.CAB/hidgame.sys 8.9 KB 27 Nov 1999 DIRECTX/DIRECTX.CAB/joy.cpl 405.5 KB 7 Nov 2000 DIRECTX/DIRECTX.CAB/joyhid.vxd 13.1 KB 7 Nov 2000 DIRECTX/DIRECTX.CAB/joystick.inf...