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Also part of the PowerG series are thePG9938 Wireless PowerG Panic Keyand thePG9939 Wireless PowerG 4-Button Key. The PG9938 is a portable personal protection device, while the 4-Button model combines security system management, allowing users to arm and disarm the system or call for help....
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The DSC PowerSeries Neo HS2128 landline phone/voip hybrid security system kit captures the flexibility of a modular, hardwired security system with the simplicity of a wide range of wireless PowerG encrypted devices and peripherals. The DSC PowerSeries N
The DSC PowerSeries Neo HS2032 cellular Verizon LTE hybrid security system kit captures the flexibility of a modular, hardwired security system with the simplicity of a wide range of wireless PowerG encrypted devices and peripherals. The DSC Po
DSC PG9939, DSC PG9938, DSC PG9936, DSC PG9935, DSC PG9934P, DSC PG9933, DSC PG9929, DSC PG9926, DSC PG9924, DSC PG9922, DSC PG9920, DSC PG9916, DSC PG9914, DSC PG9913, DSC PG9911B, DSC PG9905, DSC PG9904P, DSC PG9902, DSC PG9901, DSC PG9872, DSC PG9862, DSC PG93...
相比起颇受好评的上一代RX10m3来,RX10 IV主要的改进方面在于对焦系统上。覆盖全焦段范围的315个相位检测对焦点配合索尼独家的TIONZ X处理芯片,最快能够做到0.03秒的急速对焦,在旅游、人文及运动摄影上极具优势。而24张/秒的高速连拍性能则让它不会错过每一个精彩瞬间。再结合升级的触屏操作,这是一台让入门爱好...
登录查看进货价 货号:DSC233CL9939创建时间:2024-11-13更新时间:2024-11-13 总销量:0 浏览量:1961 上传/下载:0 重量:500克(g) 商品数据: 48小时发货率: -- 平均发货时效: -- 90天退货率: 仅限VIP2及以上查看 累计退货率: 仅限VIP2及以上查看 ...