1、背景 DMB、DSB、ISB 看似三条简单的指令,网上有着一大堆博客、也有着一大堆的Linux Kernel教程,都会介绍这几个命令,简而言之,分别就是:数据内存屏障、数据同步屏障、指令同步屏障... 虽然看似很简单,但是真的很难理解,因为其中蕴含着丰富的硬件基础原理,今年我们就剖开事务看本质,从最底层到应用实列,来理解这...
(1)、DBG: 调试提示可向调试系统及其相关系统发送提示。 (2)、DMB:数据内存屏障可作为内存屏障使用。 它可确保会先检测到程序中位于 DMB 指令前的所有显式内存访问指令,然后再检测到程序中位于 DMB 指令后的显式内存访问指令。它不影响其他指令在处理器上的执行顺序 option 的允许值为:SY, 完整的系统DMB 操作。
A DSB instruction is a memory barrier that ensures that memory accesses that occur before the DSB instruction have completed before the completion of the DSB instruction. In doing this, it acts as astronger barrier than a DMBand all ordering that is created by a DMB with specific options is ...
mb()、wmb()、rmb()在底层调用的也都是dmb #define mb() asm volatile("dmb ish" ::: "memory") #define wmb() asm volatile("dmb ishst" ::: "memory") #define rmb() asm volatile("dmb ishld" ::: "memory") 问:smp_mb()、smp_rmb()、smp_wmb() 和 mb()、wmb()、rmb()到底有什...
A DSB instruction is a memory barrier that ensures that memory accesses that occur before the DSB instruction have completed before the completion of the DSB instruction. In doing this, it acts as astronger barrier than a DMBand all ordering that is created by a DMB with specific options is...
A DSB instruction is a memory barrier that ensures that memory accesses that occur before the DSB instruction have completed before the completion of the DSB instruction. In doing this, it acts as astronger barrier than a DMBand all ordering that is created by a DMB with specific options is...
DSB和DMB后面的可选项的含义 参考资料 DDI0487J_a_a-profile_architecture_reference_manual.pdf B2.3.12 Memory barriers Shareability and access limitations on the data barrier operations
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ISB、DSB和DMB的含义 100 0 0 爱你三千遍斯塔克 | 9月前 路径中“./”、“../”、“/”代表的含义 路径中“./”、“../”、“/”代表的含义 68 0 0 YiShier | 机器学习/深度学习 JavaScript 前端开发 正则表达式符号含义 正则表达式符号含义 119 0 0 myysophia | 存储 Shell Linux Li...