在PowerShell中使用dsacls命令时,DN语法是指用于标识AD对象的唯一名称(Distinguished Name)。DN语法由一系列逗号分隔的键值对组成,用于表示AD树中的位置。 然而,根据提供的问答内容,dsacls powershell中的DN语法无效。这可能是由于以下原因导致的: DN语法错误:请确保在使用dsacls命令时,提供的DN语法是正确的。DN语法应该...
使用DSACLS 应用权限使用可以执行操作的帐户(例如 Domain Admin)登录到目录林中已安装 Windows 支持工具的系统。 打开命令提示符,并键入下列命令: dsacls "OU=UsersContainer,DC=company,DC=com" /I:S /G "company\ExAdminGroup:RPWP;homeMDB;user" "company\ExAdminGroup:RPWP;homeMTA;user" "company\ExAdmin...
dsacls "[\\<Computer>\]<ObjectDN>" [/A] [/D <PermissionStatement> [<PermissionStatement>]...] [/G <PermissionStatement> [<PermissionStatement>]...] [/I:{T | S | P}] [/N] [/P:{Y | N}] [/R {<User> | <Group>} [{<User> | <Group>}]...] [/S [/T]] [/?] ...
volatile的更多特性,可以看一下上篇文章《voliatile,synchronized,cas》间接被引用情景需要创建一次的对象不是直接被全局的引用所引用,而是间接地被引用。...经常有这种情况,全局维护一个并发的ConcurrentMap, Map的每个Key对应一个对象,这个对象需要只创建一次 CAS p
Dsacls.exe - 這是什麼? 如何修正?一般而言,dsacls.exe 檔案損毀或遺漏會導致在 Operating System Reinstallation CD for Microsoft WIndows XP Professional 軟體啟動時發生這些 EXE 可執行檔錯誤。 更換 EXE 檔案通常是解決這些問題的解決方案。 此外亦建議您使用登錄清除程式來清除所有無效的檔...
By default, dsacls adds the ACE to the ACL. /P: Inherit permissions from parent objects (Y/N). /R Revoke/Delete all ACEs for the users or groups. /S Restore the default security. Default security for each object class is defined in the Active Directory schema. /S /T Restore the ...
Dsacls.exe and the impact of /takeownership DsBindWithCred to "DCName" failed with status 1753 (0x6d9): There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper. dSCorePropagationData attribute meaning dsCorePropagationData not updating dsget failed:Directory object not found Dsget group...
dsacls reset password vs. change password Dsacls.exe and the impact of /takeownership DsBindWithCred to "DCName" failed with status 1753 (0x6d9): There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper. dSCorePropagationData attribute meaning dsCorePropagationData not updating dsget faile...
DsAcls Examples Examples of valid permissions SDRCWDWO;;user Delete, read security information, change security information, and change ownership permissions on objects of type "user." CCDC;group; Create child and delete child permissions to create or delete objects of type "group." ...
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