在配置了至少一个 LSS 后,发出setnetworkport命令以配置 DS8000 系统的以太网卡。在 dscli 命令提示符处输入setnetworkport命令,命令中使用以下参数和变量: dscli> setnetworkport -devstorage_image_id-ipaddrIP_address-subnetIP_mask-gatewayIP_address-primaryIP_address-secondaryIP_addre...
来自主题:ds8000· 2020-04-24 技术技巧---DS8XXX常用命令 邓毓江西农信 擅长领域:存储双活, SVC, 双活数据中心 935 会员关注 1.创建raid。dscli>lsarraysitedscli>mkarray-raidtype10-arsites12.创建rank。dscli>lsrankdscli>mkrank-arraya0-stgtypefb3.创建extpooldscli>lsextpooldscli>mkextpool-rankgrp...
与用于VM Recovery Manager DR解决方案的 IBM DS8700 存储系统相关联的 Hardware Management Console (HMC) 必须可通过在 KSYS 节点和两个站点上使用 TCP/IP 进行访问。 必须在 KSYS 节点上安装最新的 DSCLI 客户机。VM Recovery Manager DR解决方案支持 DSCLI V和更高版本。 在分配新的复制磁盘之前,...
IBM DS8000配置文档 DS8K逻辑配置文档 Step By Step
为提高配置的速度,建议大家划分DS8000采用DSCLI(DS Command Line Interface),在笔记本上安装DSCLI后(执行命令setupwin32.exe),修改其C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli\profile\dscli.profile,如下: #Management Console/Node IP Address(es) # hmc1 and hmc2 are equivalent to -hmc1 and -hmc2 command #options. ...
DS GUI and DSCLI changes Creating arrays, ranks, extent pools, and volumes based on SSDs is the same process as with regular disks. Some minor changes were made to some DS GUI panels and DS CLI commands output to reflect the presence of SSDs in the system. Next, we provide some ...
红皮书:ibmds8000anddsclibroker|||红皮书:ibmds8000anddsclibroker|||红皮书:ibmds8000anddsclibroker 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:max 审核时间:2018-08-06 审核编号:7002164130001141 认证类型:实名认证 能力类型:内容提供者 领域认证: 版权证书: 区块...
40、olume Group IBM.2107-75xxxx1/V0os400Serial -dscli>2.通过DS8000序列号和刚才取得的sig nature去以下网站拿capacity 的license key,文 件例如:2107_75BBY00.xmlhttps:/w3-3.在DS8000中增加在上面一步中取得的licensedscli> applykey - file c:xxxxkeys.xml IBM.2107-75xxxx1也可以使用GUI界面输入该...
为提高配置的速度,建议大家划分DS8000采用DSCLI(DS Command Line Interface),在笔记本上安装DSCLI后(执行命令setupwin32.exe),修改其C:\Program Files\IBM\dscli\profile\dscli.profile,如下: #Management Console/Node IP Address(es) # hmc1 and hmc2 are equivalent to -hmc1 and -hmc2 command #options. ...
IBM DS8000 and the DSCLIbroker scripting framework In addition to the storage capacity for application data, the storage infrastructure of a modern data center must also replicate the data to other storage devices. With the Copy Services and interfaces, such as DSCLI, applications can use this ...