DS4Windows is a third-party software that renders the DualShock 4 (DS4) controller compatible with PCs. In other words, the software helps if you want the freedom to use the DualShock 4 (DS4) controller to play Xbox games on your Windows machine. While you can go the dongle or Bluetooth ...
Download DS4Windows. Seamlessly integrate your PlayStation controller with your PC for enhanced gaming experiences. ✓ Virus Free
1、首先我们连接ds4手柄和电脑 2、连接后,右键“此电脑”打开“管理” 3、进入左边栏“设备管理器” 4、展开“人机接口设备”,双击打开“HID- compliant game controller”设备 5、打开后,进入“驱动程序”选项卡,点击“卸载设备”将它卸载 6、卸载完成后,我们拔出ds4手柄,再重新连接,就能正常使用并开启“ds4Win...