TheDS2015xs 8-Bay DiskStation NAS ServerfromSynologyhas eight drive bays, each capable of housing either 3.5" or 2.5" SATA III/SATA II hard drives. The DS2015xs also features an Annapurna Labs Alpine AL-514 quad-core 1.7 GHz processor along with 4GB of DDR3 RAM, which is expandable up...
Packages Documents Android Apps Operating System DSM 7.1.1 DSM is the operating system of DS2015xs. Release Note All Downloads Upgrade from your current DSM version to your preferred version Please select your current DSM version and the version you wish to update to. Once the download is comp...
The DS2015xs is 8-bay NAS unit presented as a step-up from the DS1815+. While the DS1815+ can expand up to a total of 18 bays with two DX513 expansion chassis, the DS2015xs is compatible with the 12-bay DX1215 expander (for a total of 20 bays). The main step-up from the ...
For a while I considered the DS1815+ but have noticed that the DS2015xs is now available. Now, I no longer know what to do. I do not understand what to think of: - the performance of the new processor type in the DS2015xs. More of less powerful? It is only a 32 bits processor...
Intel's offerings have had a virtual monopoly in the other tiers of the market. Synology's DS2015xs, with its native 10G capabilities, brings in another contender into the market. The DS2015xs is 8-bay NAS unit presented as a step-up from the DS1815+. While the DS1815+ can expand ...
【天极网DIY硬件频道】群晖科技今日宣布推出最新的 DiskStation DS2015xs 与DS3615xs。 8 颗硬盘的 DS2015xs 內置 10GbE SFP+ 万兆网口, 正式將 10GbE 解决方案推广至中小型企业; 12 颗硬盘的 DS3615xs 则提供大型企业卓越的传输效能与精确性,完美解决分散各地的...
The DS2015xs has its two 1GbE ports both connected to the hub with no aggregation, with one of the NAS ports having its DHCP server enabled. In this configuration, all device including phones – via the router – and the second NAS LAN port, take up the IP address that I've assigned...
爱企查为您提供成都科汇科技有限公司四川 成都 群晖 Synology DS2015xs NAS企业级网络储存服务器等产品,您可以查看公司工商信息、主营业务、详细的商品参数、图片、价格等信息,并联系商家咨询底价。欲了解更多synology群晖NAS、希捷硬盘、ATEN宏正、图腾机柜、突破PDU信息