1、软件概述 ◆为了解决示波器测试操作流程繁琐、参数配置复杂等问题,Namisoft开发的NS-Scope示波器自动化测试程控软件,通过对示波器的程序控制,实现自动化参数配置、数据采集和数据存储,软件自带数据库存储,方便用户查询历史检测数据,最大限度提高仪器使用效率。 2、主要功能 ◆远程可以控制单台/多台示波器,采集参数、波形...
Memory upgrade from 14 Mpts in a capture to 56 Mpts in a capture for the DS2000 scopes. Please use order comment field during checkout to provide the serial number of the Rigol scope (if purchased separately). Reviews We're currently collecting product reviews for this item. In the meantim...
KEYENCE 基恩士 形状测量激光显微系统 VK-X3000 ¥ 1.00 日本电子JEOL 扫描电子显微镜 JSM-IT200 InTouchScope ¥ 1.00 EVG 620紫外纳米压印机 规格齐全 品质优良 售后完善 ¥ 1.00 PICOSUN高级型原子层沉积机 P-300 Advanced ALD ¥ 1.00 德国Bruker ALPHA II FTIR 傅立叶变换近红外光谱仪 ¥ 1....
I set my signal generator to generate a triangle wave and made it fill the screen of the scope (first picture). Then I fed the same signal through a 40dB (100*) attenuator and set the scope to 100* magnification (second picture). Now check the differences....
I needed to stay Sub $1K in order to live, but if I had ALL the money for a scope like Dave’s I would honestly still buy it even after watching Dave’s video.Here’s what really bothered me (In Order)1) What!! No upgrade for the BW after purchase I though that was one of ...
Rigol option bundle includes top upgrades to make the most of your product and also works on units purchased in the past with newly updated firmware.Software keys will be sent via email. Please use order comment field during checkout to provide the serial number of the Rigol scope (if purcha...
Scope:TheModel2000web-enabledflowcomputerisdesignedforhydrocarbon liquidandgasmeasurementandcontrolapplications.Theadvancedfeaturessup- portflexibleconfigurationsformultistreamfiscalandcustodytransfermeasurements basedonvolume,massandenergycalculationsusingthelatestapplicableAGA,ISO ...
P-SCOPEPro 带HDMI 监视器的数字立体显微镜。显微镜 + 显微镜摄像机 + HDMI 监视器的一体化套件。11.6 英寸 HDMI 显示屏和显示放大倍数:12 倍至 95 倍,采用索尼制造的 200 万像素 CMOS 传感器,可在PC 和 HDMI 监视器上观看、存储和播放视频和静止图像 ? 支持高性能测量软件 JCAM(免费下载)和同轴投影照明可用...
Within the scope of the room temperature is 10 ℃ ~ 35 ℃, relative humidity is not more than 80%; a)Around in the environment of no vibration, no corrosive medium and electromagnetic interference; b)Power supply voltage fluctuation range should not be more than plus or minus 10% of rated...
Virtual scope: TDR/TDT EMI simulation General-purpose SI simulation Figure 8: Workflow example from trace impedance/coupling check Support for a Variety of Layout Data Types The Sigrity SPEED2000 tool performs time-domain simulation directly on physical design data. You can easily use layout data...