--Giants-- (with Dung Pies and bombs) Hype skip, get DLC key Talk to Gandalf --Rotten-- Parrywalk first ennemy to Gank Squad BF Get Flynn's ring in DLC LVL up 19 INT / 13 ATT / 10 END 20 gems, 2x BB, Branch Get Chloranthy Ring, Najka BF ...
at the dead end straight ahead from where you start at the bottom of some steps. I summoned Benhart, entered the fog wall, sprinted past the two giants to trigger the huge rolling head, dodged it, then ran back and helped Benhart kill the lone surviving giant. We then killed the Gia...
- Get DLC 2 key in Forest of Fallen Giants and go to Copse # Chariot (Rapier, DW, Yearn) - Get spells from Tichy Green, kill him, warp to Earthen Peak # Mytha (Rapier, DW) - Take first Keep bonfire - Buy from Magelord: Jester Gloves and Cap + Fall Control + Coins (...