XRotor Micro 60A 4in1 BLHeli-32 DShot1200 高品质硬件 大尺寸进口mosfet,高电压下的耐压过流能力较上代产品有质的飞跃。高性 能32位ARM主控芯片,运行频率高达48MHz。三合一IC驱动,进口高品质陶瓷 电容,3盎司铜厚,6层板,大大降低发热,效率更高。
极为丰富的可调参数项目XRotor Micro 30A BLHeli_32 DShot1200XRotor Micro 40A BLHeli_32 DShot1200 多重保护,加倍安全具有堵转保护,温度保护,低转速功率保护,低压保护,电流保护等多种保护,延长电调使用寿命。多重保护加倍安全堵转保护温度保护低转速功率保护电流保护低压保护 LED指示灯 (只在XRotor 40A BLHeli_32...
支持至少DShot1200 (同时向下兼容 150/300/600)高速率的DShot数字信号 油门输入。也支持通常的PWM (1-2ms) 油门输入,或是Oneshot125 (125-250us) , Oneshot42 (41.7-83.3us) 及Multishot (5-25us) 油门输入。 可调参数项目 原生BLHeli_32固件,电调可通过信号线连接诸如使用Cleanflight或者 ...
XRotor Micro 40A (20x20)BLHeli_32 4in1 DShot1200 XRotor Micro 60A BLHeli 32 4in1 DShot1200 多旋翼飞行器无刷电子调速器使用说明书 · 使用本产品前,请认真查看各动力设备以及飞行器的使用说明书,确保动力搭配合理,避免因错误的动力搭配导致电机超载,最终损坏电调。· 安装本产品时,由于需要进行焊接,...
32 bit processors operate faster than 8 bit, at which we can expect better performance from the new 32 bit ESCs; such as faster input signals with lower latency and higher update rate, including DSHOT1200 or even faster protocol support. Simply is not possible with current 8 bit ESC, the...
奔宇BENYU 26mm轻型锂电电锤,三功能,20V/4.0Ah,0-1200rpm,6-20mm,DS2630/20V,一件=4台,BL-DC2630/20V-1-脉链云商网上商城
Introducing the Hobbywing XRotor Micro 65A 4in1 ESC BLHeli-32 Dshot1200 5V BEC 3-6S, the ultimate DIY accessory for remote helicopters and pesticide helicopters! This high-performance ESC is designed to take your aerial adventures to new heights. With its advance...
Improve the direction change of the bidirectional mode, and set the flight control through the Dshot command, such as telemetry. Specifications: Model: Razor32 V2 Product Name: 35A BL_32 DShot1200 ESC Input voltage: 3-6 S Lipo Current: 35A Maximum current: 50A Colour: Black Package Includ...
产品型号:LNSD-1200BL-HU产品厂商:日本CCS希希爱视产品价格:0折扣价格:0产品文档: 简单介绍: CCS希希爱视,面光源(无影灯),LFX3-PT系列,LNSD-1200BL-HU CCS希希爱视,面光源(无影灯),LFX3-PT系列,LNSD-1200BL-HU CCS希希爱视,面光源(无影灯),LFX3-PT系列,LNSD-1200BL-HU ...
Hakrc Dshot1200 BLHeli_32 35A 2-5วินาที Lipo ไร้แปรง ESC LED ในตัวสำหรับโดรนสำหรับแข่ง FPV RC ข้อมูลจำเพาะ: ...