Before cleaning, unplug the power cord. Wipe with damp paper towels. Do not use chemical or aerosol cleaners. To prevent the unit from falling over, do not place on carts or any unstable surfaces. The power cord must plug in to the correct supply voltage. Make sure that the supplied AC...
()[案例] 男,52岁,患皮肤病10余年,反复发作,累及全身。躯干及四肢伸侧分布大小不一的红斑,绿豆大小,斑片状,肘、膝、腰、骶尾部更为明显,皮损边界清楚,红斑表面覆有分层云母样鳞屑;鳞屑易剥除,下方呈发亮淡红色薄膜状及点状出血。头皮皮损表面有较厚鳞屑,头发成束。手足甲呈凹陷点,甲床肥厚。