随着药物流产在临床的广泛应用,流产后出血量多和出血时间长一直是困扰妇科医生多年的难题.我中心自2002年3~7月,采用常规药物流产后加用坤宁口服液治疗本症,取得了满意的疗效.现报告如下. 资料和方法 1.对象 为停经≤49天,要求药物流产者,B超证实为宫内妊娠,孕囊直径≤30.0mm,术前查血常规,肝功,心电图均正常....
Fatal Pericardial Tamponade after Wallstent Implantation for Malignant Superior Vena Cava Syndrome Purpose: To report a rare, fatal complication of superior vena cava Wallstent implantation. Matthias,Martin,Iris,... - 《Journal of Endovascular Therapy》...
A total of 10,920 errors, including near misses, dose omissions and potential errors were reported statewide for the first annual report, which included nine months of experience. Most of errors, 91.1% did not reach nor harm the ... SB Greene,CE Williams,R Hansen,... - 《Journal of Pat...