6.点击“START AN APPLICATION 开始填写申请表格”后,接下来的页面右上角会有一个您这次填表生成的“Application ID”,请记下此ID,以防电脑遇到不可预知的问题突然中断,可以通过ID号和安全问题随时找回填完一半的申请表格。这样在填写表格的时候可以不用每一步保存表格,同样可以将申请表找回来。如图: 正式进入填表步...
最后,出现一个带你照片的表格,上面写“this is not a visa”“这不是一个签证”, 请选择打印print confirmation(激光打印机,黑白打印出来自己保留好)。第三个选项是email confirmation,你可以选择把confirmation 电子邮件给自己,什么时候有打印机了再打印注意:第二个选项 print application打印申请表,没用,完全不需要...
Form DS-160, also known as the Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, is a document required by the United States Department of State for individuals seeking nonimmigrant visas to enter the United States temporarily. It is an electronic application form that must be completed and submitted online by...
For a specific list of documentation that you may need to help you complete the application please see travel.state.gov's Frequently Asked Questions for the Online DS-160 Nonimmigrant Visa Application page . 如欲索取申请过程中可能需要的文件清单,请浏览 If you are unsure what type of visa you ...
Q6:我知道我可以在我的申请里上传照片。我如何获得一张能成功上传到我申请表上的数字照片?A6:有关使用数码相机的详细指导和被扫描图片的要求,请参考GuidelinesforPhotographs-forOnlineVisaApplications。 Q7:在确认页上搁照片的地方有个“X”。这是什么意思?
Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160)Visa, NonimmigrantPage, Confirmation
DS160表格(全名:OnlineNonimmigrantVisaApplication)是美国大使馆和领事馆用来处理所有非移民签证申请的标准表格。无论你是申请B类旅游签证、F类学生签证、H类工作签证,还是其他类别的非移民签证,都需要填写此表格。 但很多人对DS160表格的填写过程感到困惑,尤其是在语言不通的情况下。为了帮助广大申请人顺利完成签证申请...
aThe DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, is a fully integrated online application form that is used to collect the necessary application information from a person seeking a nonimmigrant visa for temporary travel to the United States. Form DS-160 is submitted electronically to the Department...
NewOnlineVisaFormDS-160新的在线签证表格DS-160 ImprovingtheNon-ImmigrantVisaApplicationProcess改进非移民签证申请程序 1 OverviewofProcess申请流程的概述 填写网址https://ceac.state.gov/genniv 1)Enterinformationintotheonlineapplicationform(75min)在线填写申请表的内容(75分钟)•Verifythattheapplicationdatais...
Each applicant, including children, must have their own DS-160 visa application. The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. The barcode number on the DS-160 confirmation page is required in order to book your interview. The ...