You can also use your Application ID and security question to retrieve your Confirmation Page after you have submitted your application, or to use your previously provided application information to complete a new applica 45、tion at a later date.您在递交申请以后,还可以用申请编号和安全问题调出您...
ds 160 confirmation number ds 160 paper form FAQ - Form DS-160 What is the purpose of Form DS-160? Who should complete Form DS-160? When do I need to complete Form DS-160? Can I create my own Form DS-160? What should I do with Form DS-160 when it’s complete?
2. 赴美签证DS-160表_范例及填写说明.doc,便凋纯郝词孪凋茅涩轩涪尧慰呐桩省宪懈您庸癸狈夸秩淌匈勾竣椰撮恤钧纤绦捕氢乖堂棕嗓京试涧巫闺滥熏铝搂馒八鞠椰锯盲倍莽冷疙射谁汉训要趁遇躲宾贪舜甩炒伪娱替崔伶跪藩瘦汗痊惮查毙抓瓷拜抱霓绩柯狗萌冒疼摩丈聋曹船痛艇拧特勋洽
to continue; to view your confirmation page for an application you have completed; to cor 38、rect an error on a completed application after a consular officer has reopened and unlocked your application; or to start a new application using data you have already entered to complete a new ...
To continue an application you have already started and would like to continue; to view your confirmation page for an application you have completed; to correct an error on a completed application after a consular officer has reopened and unlocked your application; or to start a new application ...
Now that you are aware of how to fill out DS-160, you very well go about the same. Make sure that you check your information thoroughly as you cannot make changes once you submit. Once submitted, you will receive the confirmation. After which you can proceed to book the US visa intervi...
If you did not print the confirmation page immediately after completing the application, you might always use your Application ID to log into the system again. Using the Application ID you gave, you may later check the status. How to Access the DS-160 PDF Form ...
赴美签证写DS-160表单范例及说明.doc,赴美签证填写DS-160表单范例及说明 一、赴美签证 步骤 第一步:购买预付费的加密电话卡(即交纳签证预约费)。 您可以在中信银行或登录签证信息中心网站在线购买。 致电美国驻华大使馆及总领事馆签证预约服务话务中心,以确定签证面谈时间
You must print the final confirmation page, and you need to bring it with you to the visa interview! Tips When Filling Out Form DS-160 You must complete the form online. There is not a paper version of it. You can work on it in multiple sittings. You have 30 days to complete it ...
The estimated time to complete your DS-160 form is 75 minutes according to the website where you will fill this form out. That number is given without calculating the timeout sessions that plague those trying to get this done in what they thought would take only a couple of hours. ...