DSSMY Stock Price 1D 5D 1M 6M YTD 1Y 5Y 10Y MAX Basic Advanced +86.57% DS Smith Plc price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents DS Smith Plc price and volume over 1Y period The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and Time. The chart has 2 Y axes ...
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Investing.com -- 据路透社周二报道,美国公司国际纸业(International Paper)收购英国竞争对手DS Smith的交易有望获得欧盟(EU)批准。这笔价值58亿英镑(71.2亿美元)的交易于去年4月宣布。 为了获得欧盟的批准,国际纸业已同意出售某些资产。此举旨在缓解收购可能引发的任何潜在竞争问题。 这项收购将增强国际纸业在欧洲市场...
英国包装业巨头蒙迪公司(Mondi)已退出对同业竞争对手DSSmith的收购竞争,为美国国际纸业公司(IP.US)的全股收购铺平道路。蒙迪在经尽职调查后,认为收购DSSmith不符合其股东的最佳利益。 国际纸业于本周二宣布,已与DSSmith达成全股收购协议,对后者估值为58亿英镑(约合72.0亿美元)。此前,市场一直在关注蒙迪是否会提出竞...
4月16日,国际纸业宣布全股收购英国DSSmith,估值72亿美元。合并后,DSSmith股东将持有33.7%股份,国际纸业股东持有剩余股份,并计划在伦敦二次上市。DSSmith建议股东支持交易,称国际纸业提供确定报价。双方需在4月23日前提出确定报价,否则退出交易。 快讯正文
The bid & ask refers to the price that an investor is willing to buy or sell a stock. The bid is the highest amount that a buyer is currently willing to pay, whereas the ask is the lowest amount that a seller is currently willing to sell. The numbers next to the bi...
Investing.com -- 在International Paper Co.完成对DS Smith PLC的收购后,标普全球评级已将DS Smith PLC及其评级子公司DS Smith Ireland Treasury DAC的长期和短期发行人信用评级(ICR)上调至与International Paper Co.的长期和短期ICR(BBB/A-2)相同水平,评级展望稳定。 标普全球评级还将DS Smith PLC的优先无担保债...
DSSMYDS Smith Plc Stock Price & Overview Follow182 followers $30.000.00 (0.00%)8:00 AM 02/21/25 Pink Current Info |$USD | DSSMY Analysis DS Smith: Ride The E-Commerce And Sustainability Wave And Expect 25% Annual Returns Investing Groups Covering DSSMY ...