2002, researchers discovered that “Routine use of an infant mattress previously used by another child was significantly associated with an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome.” Correlation does not equal causation – meaning there is not proof that something in a used or older mattress ...
In Mexico, the meaning and organization of domestic space is strikingly different. Houses are organized around a patio, or courtyard. Rooms open onto the patio, where all kinds of domestic activities take place. Individuals do not have separate bedrooms. Children often sleep with pare...
【多选题】坚持和完善社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度,必须毫不动摇巩固和发展公有制经济,必须毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展。这是因为,公有制经济和非公有制经济都是我国()。 A. 经济社会发展的重要基础 B. 社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分 C. 社会主义经济的重要组成部分 D. 社会主义经济制度的基础...