最小尺寸不得小于600 像素(宽)*600 像 aspect ratio (meaning the height must be equal to the width). Minimum acceptable dimensions are 600 pixels (width) —600 素(高)。最大尺寸不得超过1200 像素(宽)*1200 像素 pixels (height). Maximum ac...
parents were putting them “back to sleep.” We’re now raising a nation of children who sleep in their carseats, in baby swings, and propped up slightly by foam bumpers, all because desperate parents yearn for some shut-eye but areafraid to put their infants down on their tummies for ...
(A note from Dave: With my eyeglass prescription, I find I have to press my lenses pretty firmly against the eyecup on the 5D to see the full viewfinder frame.)The same nine-point AF cluster from the 20D occupies the center of the screen, but it appears to have remained the same ...