3dssplash: opens 3ds and cia files (?) Compiled to/_nds/TWiLightMenu/3dssplash.srldr booter: main entrypoint, the first file loaded by the console if using SD-card or CFW Creates/BOOT.ndsand/title/00030004/53524c41/content/00000000.app(same file). ...
The 3DS version had its own kinks, which means you may still prefer to use the DS version even on a 3DS. It is recommended to install it using the DSiWare CIA file provided with the newer releases of GameYob DS. Features Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Super Gameboy emulation ...
[3DS]《圈套DS:神隐的官邸(Trick DS: Kakushi Kami no Sumu Yakata)》中文版CIA下载 圈套DS:神隐的官邸是KONAMI在2010年5月13日发售的AVG游戏,这款作品是由日本著名的电视剧系列《圈套》游戏化而来的作品。在这次作品里,自称天才魔法师的山田奈绪子和天才物理学家上田次郎两个人这次将在东北地区的“水纳守村”...
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分享269 冒险岛吧 passant520 【NDSL/NDSi】版冒险岛DS 超级卡哇伊http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/1384ea51-4942-11df-b959-0015c 冒险岛DS 已经dump完毕 分享31赞 nds模拟器吧 龇牙的大老张 冒险岛DS,四个主角都通了,可怪物图鉴还差好多,尤其是最后一页,几乎全是空。净化的BOSS都打过了,还有别的...
Dead Drop Studios LLC•Ação e aventura Otimizado para Xbox Series X|S Smart Delivery 1 idiomas suportados PEGI 18 Violência Extrema, Linguagem Forte Este conteúdo está bloqueado INSIRA A SUA DATA DE NASCIMENTO Este conteúdo está bloqueado ...
"TALIS", young elite soldier of the A.S.A is sent for an INTEL-RECO mission on an island which the CIA has indicated knowledge of terrorist activities. The terrorist group named BONIS MUNDI, responding to the orders of a certain QUADRA, might have developed a weapon greatly surpassing the...
3DS《侦探 神宫寺三郎DS 不灭之心》日版英文CIA下载,这是一款冒险游戏,这款游戏一上线就备受好评,精彩的玩法和流畅的画面让很多玩家爱不释手,千万不要错过! 《侦探神宫寺三郎 - S篇之风暴之舞》是一款以日本推理小说《侦探神宫寺三郎》为基础的推理解谜游戏。
Game console name is shown on the top screen, below the SRLoader logo. NOTE: If you already installed the .CIA (3DS/2DS) of v1.9.1, you only need to replace the .srldr files. Assets3 Loading 21 Sep 20:18 RocketRobz v1.9.1 ...