Personal Information 1 OMB CONTROL NUMBER: 1405-0185 FORM NUMBER: DS-260 EXPIRATION DATE: 01/31/2016 ESTIMATED BURDEN: 120 MIN NOTE: Data on this page must match the information as it is written in your passport or travel documents. Surnames Given Names Full Name in Native Alphabet Have you...
DS—260表格(每位家庭成员填写一份)个人,地址和电话信息姓名 **曾用名(依据户口本) 性别婚姻状况(未婚,已婚,丧偶,离婚,分居)出生日期出生地(依据户口本)护照号码护照签发国家签发日期有效期至是否持有其他国籍?提供自满16周岁起居住过的居住地址,时间不能有间隔,地址具体到门牌号地址(具体到门牌号)邮编开始日期 (...
1、Personal Information 1OMB CONTROL NUMBER:1405-0185FORM NUMBER:DS-260 EXPIRATION DATE:01/31/2016 ESTIMATED BURDEN:120 MINNOTE: Data on this page must match the information as it is written in your passport or travel documents. Surnames Given NamesFull Name in Native AlphabetHave you ever ...
WORD格式 可编辑 专业技术 知识共享 Personal Information 1 OMB CONTROL NUMBER: 1405-0185 FORM NUMBER: DS-260 EXPIRATION DATE: 01/31/2016 ESTIMATED BURDEN: 120 MIN NOTE: Data on this page must match the information as it is written in your passport or travel documents. Surnames Given Names ...
篇一:ds-260表格 ds-260表格(每位家庭成员填写一份) 篇二:美国移民ds260表全文(english) personal information 1 ombcontRolnumbeR:1405-0185FoRmnumbeR:estimatedbuRden:ds-260120minexpiRationdate:01/31/20xx note:dataonthispagemustmatchtheinformationasitiswritteninyourpassportortraveldocuments. surnames givennames...
你点进去之后选sign,然后看到一个print form ds260就行啦
An EB-5 investor and any eligible family members not yet residing in the United States must file Form DS-260 upon approval of his or her I-526 petition.
Registration Application form (Form DS-260) has been automatically forwarded toyour interview location.This confirms the submission of the Immigrant Visa 自动地批转了网上移民签证 (和)外籍人注册应用DS-260移民签证和外籍人注册应用ConfirmationThank YouYour移民签证和 (外籍人注册) 申请表形式DS-260 toyour...
在DS -260形式可以是部分完成的,在线保存,以后完成,或可以完成所有在一个会话中。2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名 也许填好,在网上部分地被保存和以后完成DS-260形式或者也许完成所有在一个会议上。在开始形式前,申请人应该会集申请人必须递交’的‘文件,因为他们是需要的填好DS-260形式。