You can download Epson DS-1630 Driver for Windows 11, 10, 8, and 7 (32 / 64-bit) from Anturis. The Epson DS-1630 is a three-pass duplex scanner with a top-notch OCR functionality.
Epson DS 60000 Driver Free Download Although the Epson DS 60000 has a lower scan speed than that of the Epson DS-7000 for both simplex and duplex scanning, it is still one of the best machines you can rely on for scanning tons of documents every single day. ...
Samsung Universal Scan Driver OEMDS2.DS 文件下载 本着简便原则,首先,不要急着重新安装整个驱动包,可以先尝试单独对这个文件进行修复。 我们知道,文件损坏一般就两种情况比较常见: 1. 文件丢失。(误删或者硬盘损坏所导致) 2. 文件还在,但部分内容损坏。(被其他软件修改或者硬盘有少量坏道所导致) ...
• Passports, driver's licenses, warrants of fitness, road passes, food stamps, tickets, etc. Note: Copying these items may also be prohibited by law. Restriction on disassembling and decompiling You may not disassemble, decompile, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of any ...
si tft lcd单芯片驱动器yh 144hk1201v调试ili9163c ds.pdf,a-Si TFT LCD Single Chip Driver ILI9163C 132RGBx162 Resolution and 262K color Table of Contents 1. Introduction 6 2. Features 6 3. Block Diagram 8 4. Pin Descriptions 9 5. Pad Arrangement and Coordin