Filling out Form DS-160, the Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, can be a crucial step for those seeking to travel to the United States for various reasons, such as tourism, business, or study. In this post, we’ll provide some tips to help ensure a smooth and accurate application proces...
有关使用数码相机的详细指导和被扫描图片的要求,请参考guidelines for photographs - for online visa applications。7. 在确认页上搁照片的地方有个“x”。这是什么意思?这说明照片上传失败。因此,你需要在递交ds-160表确认页的同时附上一张打印好的、符合要求的照片。请和受理你申请的使领馆具体确认如何将你的...
(F1 visa), work visa (H1B visa), or any other nonimmigrant visa category, the DS-160 form is typically mandatory. It allows the U.S. Consular officers to evaluate the eligibility of visa applicants and determine if they meet the requirements for temporary travel to the United States. It ...
回答:在填写DS-160申请表时,填写到最后一步的的Submit时,点击DS-160申请表末尾的“签名并递交申请”sign and submit application 按钮,表明您在申请表上完成电子签名。获得确认页后,申请人无需在打印出来的确认页上手写签名。电子签名的完成证明您已接受使馆的签证声明。请注意: 签名失败可能会导致申请终止。电子签名...
然后写信问秘书DS-2019表什么时间能寄到,签证类型是J1还是H1b? 结果秘书说:“The paperwork for the postdoc position takes a few months, and several steps are involved before we can begin on determining the visa type and the actual visa application. So, I am unable to tell you at this time ...
DS-160 Confirmation Page/DS-160 确认页 2. Passport/护照 3. Visa Application Fee Receipt / 签证申请费收据 4. DS-2019 Form for J1 Applicant/ J1 申请人 DS-2019 表 5. SEVIS Fee Receipt/SEVIS 费收据(也叫 I-901 Receipt) Part2. Curriculum Vitae and Financial Supporting Materials 1. ...
有关使用数码相机的详细指导和被扫描图片的要求,请参考Guidelines for Photographs - for Online Visa Applications。 7. 在确认页上搁照片的地方有个“X”。这是什么意思? 这说明照片上传失败。因此,你需要在递交DS-160 表确认页的同时附上一张打印好的、符合要求的照片。请和受理你申请的使领馆具体确认如何将你...
DS160 form is the visa application to USA. In order to make a US Visa appointment for F1 Visa Interview or H1B visa interview you have to use the bar code on the DS160 form. You have to get a print out of the visa application to the visa interview. US Visa Application (DS 160) ...