Dry January: One behavioral science hack can help you succeed Preparation is key.by Ian Hamilton and Suzi Gage Updated: Feb. 21, 2024 Originally Published: Jan. 10, 2022 Getty Images Dry January, the campaign led by Alcohol Change UK that challenges people to get through January without alcoh...
Published: Jan. 3, 2024 at 2:21 AM GMT+8 PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5)— As we roll into the new year, many people are gearing up for a month of quitting alcohol. The challenge known as “Dry January” is growing in popularity. It’s especially true for “Generation Z,” who are taking...
As manyTexansimplemented changes in their lives for 2025, I will once again go through an entire month without any booze.Dry Januaryis the perfect time to challenge myself to do so. What is Dry January? Dry January is a health challenge that waslaunched in the UK in 2012as a public inc...
The Dry January concept has roots dating back to 1942 but its official start began in 2013, according to the groupAlcohol Change UK. The concepts and practices are rather self-explanatory. Participants are expected to abstain from drinking for the entire month and find other ways to relax at ...
Dry Januaryoriginated in the UK in 2014 with a total of 4,000 participants who pledged to take a break from drinking for the first month of the year. It's since grown in popularity and spread across the world. In 2024, 215,000 globally people pledged to abstain from alcohol during Dry...
the consumer implication here is really about an obsession with self-optimization. Forty-four percent of US consumers and 45% of UK consumers self-reported their plans to make New Year’s resolutions in 2025, according to Forrester’s December 2024 Consumer Pulse Survey, and much of their inten...
2011年,一位叫Emily Robinson的女士报名了她的第一个半程马拉松比赛。比赛定在2月举行,为了更好的训练,她决定在1月一整个月都戒酒。一年以后,她加入了英国的帮助戒酒组织Alcohol Change UK,推广戒酒一整月所带来的改变。通过这一组织的运作,他们将Dry January发展成了一项越来越有影响力的活动。
Dry January offers a variety of opportunities for people to give themselves a boost, not only for the month, but perhaps for the months following as well.
Dry Januarybegan in 2012 as an initiative by Alcohol Change UK, a British charity, to “ditch the hangover, reduce the waistline and save some serious money by giving up alcohol for 31 days.” Millions of people now take part in the challenge, with more Americans taking notice each year....
The prize draw will take place on the 22nd January 2024 – any UK-based athlete entering their details after this date will not be entered into the prize draw but can still use their 25% discount code. Show your Lucky Saint Dry January completion badge to claim a free pint of Lucky ...