government-run sites that would take in the used fuel from the cooling pools of several reactors, thereby consolidating the interim storage of used fuel and putting this nuclear waste into stronger, safer, more secure, more manageable—and ultimately more affordable—dry casks, as a first step ...
Used nuclear fuelDry storageWaste managementMultiobjective optimizationMemetic algorithmTo address the evolving needs of dry storage, this research developed a new methodology to identify loading configurations that minimize the number of casks, their heat load, and the time at which they meet ...
Under terms of the DOE/FRG Agreement, the German government provided funds to cover the DOE costs as well four casks designed to hold the sources during their planned transport to Germany and five casks designed to hold the sources during interim storage prior to their emplacement in the ...
This raises the possibility that the storage casks will be exposed to a salt-containing environment for the duration of their time in interim storage. Austenitic stainless steels, which are used to construct the canisters, are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in chloride-containing ...
It is very important to prevent accidents in nuclear objects [20,21]. Publications on the analysis of the thermal performance of SNF casks during extreme conditions like fire are rather limited [9]. Show abstract Global damage evaluation of a dry storage structure subjected to postulated aircraft...
The object studied was a dry storage cask with a steel canister (with a diameter of 1.8 m and a height of 5 m) containing spent nuclear fuel and a surrounding 1-m-thick concrete cask. The flow channel between the nuclear waste steel canister and concrete casks had a spacing of ...
The dry storage casks for spent fuel outside Ignalina NPP were commissioned in # but have been almost filled in. A new state-of-the-art dry storage facility is being designed for # years of operation 正在设计一种先进的、可运行 # 年的新型干存放设施,为Ignalina核电厂 # 个单元所产生的核...
Itnhad a partially built underground repository that it had shut down,nin part for political reasons, and the only alternative it had was tonstore its excess and accumulating spent fuel in dry casks at its reactornsites. Although U.S. utilities are unhappy that the federal governmentnhas not...
n52300* --nuclear materials & waste management--handling equipment & procedurescasks-- remote handlingnuclear fuels-- transportremote handling equipment-- designoperationA nuclear facility is described for improved handling of a shipping cask for nuclear fuel. After being brought into the building, ...
"Review of Oxidation Rates of DOE Spent Nuclear Fuel : Part 1 : Nuclear Fuel," United States (2000) Google Scholar IAEA, 2007 IAEA Operation and Maintenance of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Casks/Containers IAEA-TECDOC-1532, Vienna, Austria (2007) Google Scholar IAEA, 2012 IAEA Storag...