All rights reserved. dry (draɪ) adj, drier, driest, dryer or dryest 1. lacking moisture; not damp or wet 2. (Physical Geography) having little or no rainfall 3. not in or under water: dry land. 4. having the water drained away or evaporated: a dry river. 5. (Zoology) ...
4) body of drier-filter 干燥过滤器器体 例句>> 5) dry-type filter 干式过滤器6) air drying filter 空气干燥过滤器补充资料:MY系列密闭加压过滤洗涤干燥一体机 设备概述: MY系列密闭加压过滤洗涤干燥一体机,俗称“三合一机”,对各种物料均有良好的适应性,尤其适用于难以过滤的浆料和易燃易爆、有毒、易...
3) filter drier 过滤-干燥器4) hay filter 干草过滤器5) interference filter 干涉过滤器6) device for drying and filtering 干燥过滤器 例句>> 补充资料:Arkal系列过滤器 Arkal 过滤器是过滤技术的一次创新,其用户遍布美国、比利时、以色列、澳大利亚和西班牙等。与传统的砂滤相比,Arkal 过滤器具有如下的...
The filter drier is the longest refrigeration piping accessories, the use of molecular sieves, and glass wool layer mixing, molecular sieve to remove water and wax. In the use of molecular sieve absorbent ability, it is usually stored dry filters do not open exposed to the atmosphere when ...
RESOUR EK Series Liquid Line Filter Drier Feature Corrosion resistant epoxy powder paint finish, Salty spray testing up to 400 hour; ·Solid copper connections; ·Shock resistant steel shell construction; ·Desiccant blend optimized high water and acid capacity; ...
Become dry or drier; The laundry dries in the sun Dry Free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet; Dry land Dry clothes A dry climate Dry splintery boards A dry river bed The paint is dry Dry Humorously sarcastic or mocking; ...
I have had it on all day just to dry a few pairs of pj's and its still on my hair dryer throws out more heat than this .I had the big blue one many years ago which was brilliant this one is typical JML cheap nasty rubbish don't waste your money Date of experience: December 18...
verb become dry or drier; "The laundry dries in the sun" verb remove the moisture from and make dry; "dry clothes"; "dry hair" 更多 英文 词典里"dry"的近义词 air-dried, kiln-dried, dry-shod是 英文 同义词词典中“dry"的热门同义词。 air...
Analyses were made using a third generation Avaatech XRF Core Scanner with a Canberra X-PIPS silicon drift detector operated at 10 kV (current = 0.5 mA, count time = 60 s, no filter) and 30 kV (current = 0.5 mA, count time = 60 s, Pd-Thick filter). All samples ...
1. Copper filter drier(copper strainer) for refrigerator, freezer, water dispenser, air Conditioner, condensing units. 2)The identification can be printed on the product surface 3)Your logo can be printed on the surface of the product