Spinal Decompression Therapy not only significantly reduces back pain in many patients, but also enables the majority of patients to return to more active lifestyles. Does Spinal Decompression Therapy Really Work? Data from a recent multi-center pilot study utilizing Axiom Worldwide’s DRX9000 ...
The Decompression Therapy- DRX9000 in Orlando provides lasting, corrective relief for patients suffering from herniated discs in the neck and back.
Delivering you the very best in Used Axiom DRX 9000, Accu-SPINA, Chattanooga Triton DTS, Used Spinal Decompression Equipment and many other Chiropractic Tables all with free USA & Canada delivery, installation & training.
TREATMENT OF AN L5/S1 EXTRUDED DISC HERNIATION USING A DRX-9000 SPINAL DECOMPRESSION UNIT: A CASE REPORTClinical Features: A 50-year-old male presented with achief complaint of severe lower back pain and left sidedsciatica persisting for two months. Most orthopedic testing procedures could not ...
非手术脊柱减压系统DRX9000对下腰痛患者治疗 ——临床 中国人民解放军305医院 骨科青祖宏 刘明 冯常智 高巍 李永焕
ManagementofLow-backPainwithaNon-surgicalspinal DecompressionSystem(DRX9000™)–CaseReport 运用非手术脊柱减压系统(DRX9000) 治疗腰背痛的病例报告 JosephVPergolizziJr, 1 FrankFlorio, 2 WilliamRMartin 3 andCharlotteRichmond 4 慢性腰背痛已经成为困扰人们身体健康的普遍疾 病。根据报道,美国大约25%的成年人在...
非手术脊柱减压系统 DRX9000 对下腰痛患者治疗——临床研究报告True Non-surgical Spinal Decompression System中国人民解放军 305 医院 骨科青祖宏 刘明 冯常智 高巍 李永焕临床报告9.indd 12010-6-30 13:39:28
North Carolinaoffers the latest cutting edge technology in the non-surgical treatment of serious chronic lower back pain and sciatica. Our commitment to offering the highest quality of care resulted in the addition of the Health Canada and FDA cleared DRX9000TMspinal decompression technology for the...
2 In 1938, it was believed that there was no one condition that producedP JosephNonsurgical spinal decompression(DRX9000TM)for the treatment of chronic low-back pain-a case report. Pergolizzi J,Richmond C,Auster M,et al. European Musculoskeletal Review . 2008...